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Red blurs the edges of my vision, my powers flare up around me, shooting out in random waves. My lips form the word 'No' just as Tony slumps forwards and lands on the ground with a deafening thud.


A vengeful, primal, guttural sound rips its way out of my chest as I scream. I fill to the brim with rage, and in an uncontrollable fit of fury the world around me explodes as my knees hit the ground.

Every vile beast around me explodes as I rip their vile blood from their bodies. The sound is loud and disgusting, and still I barely notice it. The blast is so strong that a crater in the very Earth is formed around me. Alien bodies lay dead all around me.


Tears, hot and heavy, blur my vision. I grit my teeth and clench my fists, slowly rising to my feet.

My glare is murderous, and it's set on the bitch that killed Tony.

I bring my arms up, and the red iron dust floating in the air collects itself. The cloaked woman barely has time to scramble to her feet before all of the iron dust forms a tight ring of metal around her throat.

I ball my fist and squeeze.

The metal ring tightens around her throat as she helplessly tries to pry it off, choking against the bar. I realize I've been walking towards her. I want to watch her die.

I get so close I can see the white of her black eyes. I curl my fist tighter. She squeals. Tighter. She drops to the floor, flailing. Tighter. The blood vessels in her eyes burst. Tighter. I crush her throat. Tighter. Blood spurts from her eyes and nose.

She's already dead. But still. Tighter.

The ring closes and her head detaches from her body. Well, her corpse.

I feel no remorse. Only pure anger. It evaporates the moment I turn and look at Tony dead at my feet. I drop to my knees beside him, for the first time in my life feeling true heartbreak.

A low whistle sounds, and I snap my head up to see Thanos' entire army is retreating back behind their battle line. I meet Thanos' eyes across the battlefield. Concern betrays his steely nature. He nearly looks afraid. Of me? Good. He should be. He's next.

"Cassidy, come on." Cap places a hand under my armpit and begins to drag me back and away from Tony.

"No! No! We can't leave him!" I scream, violently protesting.

"We won't! We would never." He reassures me, and I see Thor and Vision slowly lifting him up. I have to pry my eyes away as Vision removes the spear from his chest. Tears sting at my eyes and I let them fall. I can't stop them.

Tony is gone.

The realization hits me again, and once we're behind our makeshift barricade, Cap lets me go and I tumble to the ground. I try to regain my breath on my hands and knees, but the world is spinning.

I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

I need Tony.

I can't breathe.

A comforting hand runs down my spine. I look up to see Loki, an anchor in the chaos. I jump into his arms, sobbing freely onto his shoulder.

"I know." Is all he says, "I know."

I finally pry my head off of his shoulder, a firm resolve filling me. Tony wouldn't want me to sit here and cry when there's a war to be won and people to be saved. I need to finish this for him.

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