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Thanos snaps his fingers.

A shockwave rolls over the Earth, stretching far and wide in every direction. It feels like a gentle breeze.

I look up at Loki.

"What just happened?" I ask him breathlessly, choking on the words. Tears roll down my cheeks. I can't look anywhere but at his eyes.

"I think we just lost." He replies, full of sorrow and anguish.

I let out a sob, pulling myself into his chest and burying my cheek against him. His arms circle me tighter than they ever have before.

"I love you." I cry. All around me, figures begin to turn to ash. The sight is enough to make nausea rise to the surface. I push it down.

I know it's selfish, but please not Loki. Please let this happen to me and not Loki.

"I love you." He whispers back, resting his head on the top of mine. I pull away to look into his eyes again.

To my complete, utter, absolute horror, the green of his eyes begins to fade away. First his hands, then his arms, then his body, and finally that beautiful mind and face of his. All ash. All gone.

He disappears right from within my arms.

I clutch at my chest, feeling like my heart might get ripped out of me from the pain. I frantically look around for my friends. My family. Where is Dylan? What about my mom? Oh God, my mom.

I see Dylan in the distance, on his knees and covered in blood. Cap is nearby huddled over Nat and Bruce. His eyes meet mine. I've never seen Cap so terrified.

"Cap?" I choke out, throat dry. I need guidance. I need to know what to do.

He shakes his head. There will be no guidance from Cap right now, he's just as devastated and confused as I am.

To my left I see Rhodey and Sam standing with Rocket from the Guardians. Rocket clutches at the ground where his friends once stood.

I frantically scan the crowd. I don't see any other familiar faces.

Except for one.


Fire explodes inside of me, and my blood feels like it's boiling from the heat that fills me. My lips curl back and my fists clench in red, hot fury.

He sits on his throne with a smile. A real and true smile. He is pleased that he just murdered half of the universe, and half of everyone I love.

I walk towards him slowly, feeling my feet slam into the ground with every step forward. He looks amused as he sees me coming.

I want to kill him. I want to rip his smile off of his face and watch him die.

With each step I take, I count everyone I lost in my head. One by one. Each name only adds to my rage. My heartbreak. My thirst for revenge.

Doctor Strange.

A powerful man. He saved so many lives. His didn't deserve to be stolen from him. I take a step.

Peter Parker.

A child. A good heart. A tragic loss. I take a step.

The Guardians.

They helped us without asking for anything in return. The universe lost a powerful group of protectors. I take a step.


He died in vain. He died for us to lose. I take a step.


She was barely older than me. And she was kind. She didn't deserve this. I take a step.

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