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We walk towards him.

The Godly realm of Asgard is beautiful, but bare. The sky is a light lilac color, and the clouds are tinted pink and orange. The ground pathway we walk along is made of solid gold, and beautiful rolling hills sprawl out in either direction. At the end of the golden pathway is a gate in the middle of a long and incredibly tall gold fence, and behind it a patch of apple trees is visible.

The apples are golden.

Loki is at the gate, intent on stealing them. So we walk towards him, and in my heart I know that there can be no reasoning with him.

He's made up his mind. He's made his choice.

Just as we approach, he lets out a burst of energy from his scepter, which now houses the Space Stone. The golden gates burst open with a screech.

"Loki, stop!" Thor screams as Loki begins to walk into the orchard.

He turns around with a smile on his face, holding his scepter up high.

"Hello, brother. Come to help me?" Loki asks.

"To stop you." Thor replies, and Loki shrugs.

"I'm really not surprised." He says, but then he notices me in the crowd of Avengers towards the back.

His eyes linger on me, and he nearly looks shocked. I bet he thought they would come, but I don't think he thought I would.

I knew I had to be here though, as much as I don't want to be.

I know two things right now. One is that I can't let Loki do this, and another is that I can't let Loki die. I don't see many possible outcomes of this situation where I get both of those things.

Everyone else walks towards Loki in their battle stances, but I can't move forward. It's like my legs won't let me be involved in this.

"Go home, all of you. I'm asking nicely now, because I'd really rather not hurt you later." Loki says.

"We'll go home if you come with us, brother." Thor says, leading the pack as they all walk towards Loki. Bruce stops walking and turns to see that I haven't moved.

He sighs and jogs back to me. He stands beside me, and places a hand on my shoulder. I guess he'll be hanging back with me unless they all need the Hulk.

"Enough chatter. I'm doing what I came to do." Loki snaps. He turns to walk, and Tony flies above him, pulling the golden gates closed again before Loki can walk through them. He sends out mini bots that loop around the gates and lock them again with a loud clank.

Loki turns and laughs, "Alright, the hard way then."

He raises his scepter and sends a blast at Tony that knocks him out of the sky. The Avengers charge, and Tony shakes it off and joins them.

Loki bangs the bottom of the scepter against the ground, and an energy blast spreads our around him and sends all of the Avengers flying backwards.

Thor is up on his feet first, and he charges at Loki with his fingers sparking and his eyes glowing like lightning. My heart stops.

I know we came here to stop Loki, but until this moment that didn't seem like it was real. But I've seen these people fight before. They're fighting to kill.

Loki dodges Thor's first punch, and the pair begin hand to hand combat. Thor is stronger, but Loki is quicker. Thor hits Loki square in the chest with a lightning bolt, sending him flying onto his back. He jumps up to his feet and returns a blast from the Space Stone that knocks Thor far away. The infinity stone is stronger than Thor is.

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