Chapter 7: Card Master vs. Popularity

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Chapter 7: Card Master vs. Popularity 

 “…Co. Ed School”

It only took those three words to send the coke flying from my mouth and all over the girl talking to her friend.

“EEEK!!!” she screeched, jumping up as she stared in horror at her drenched skirt.

“Um…uh…WATER!” I yelled triumphantly before pouring Macy’s water over the stain. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem to appreciate my effort to clean for her as she only screamed louder and ran off.

Jeez. Some people can be so unappreciative.

Macy simply stared at me openmouthed as I picked up my coke can.

“What did she say that was so surprising?”

Damn. That was my last sip of coke.

“Alex? Are you listening?”

“Hmm? Oh yeah! Check this. She said Lincoln Boy’s School was changed to Lincoln Co. Ed school over the break!”

Macy nodded calmly before bringing her water bottle to her lips and frowning.

“Well, yeah. Everyone knew that. By the way, you owe be another bottle of water.”

“What? How could everyone know that!? I didn’t know that!”

“Yeah well, unlike you, we didn’t all get to go to a beachside hotel,” she smirked. I guess it made sense. I sighed before drumming my fingers against the table nervously.

“How is that even possible? Doesn’t it take years to do something like that?”

“Apparently they have been working on the paperwork and things for a while. Why are you so concerned?”

“’Cuz! This is gonna make my job as Card Master so much harder! How are they supposed to learn their lesson when there are more girls just fawning over them! Besides, girls are such a bother.”

Macy burst out into fits of laugher, making me jump.

“You sound like a 6 year old boy! ‘Girls are such a bother’, as if you aren’t a girl.”

 “Yeah…well…hmph,” I mumbled angrily.

“Speaking of the Card Master, how did things go with…you know. Did he cry like the baby he is?”

My breath hitched in my throat as I felt my hands clench into fists.

What about Jace? What could I say? Should I lie to her?

Now the silence was becoming suspicious and Macy stared at me with a raised eyebrow. Just as she was about to speak again, the bell rang signifying the end of lunch. I leapt up quickly,

“Sorry, I have a test. We’ll talk later,” I smiled quickly before dashing out of the room.

That was too close.


I rounded the familiar corner leading to Lincoln School. This was the first time I wasn’t going there angrily or for Card Master responsibilities. It was a strange feeling. I just needed to speak with Jace, and see if the rumors were true.

As soon as I walked into the iron gates, I found that me fears were confirmed. Swarms, I mean SWARMS of girls were…well…everywhere. Chatting, strutting around in dangerously high heels, eating, whispering to one another and…staring at me?

As I walked further into the school, I began to notice more and more eyes staring at me. What, had they never seen a human before?


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