Chapter 5: Card Master vs. Jason Kinsley (aka. Annoying player)

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Chapter 5: Card Master vs. Jason Kinsley (aka. Annoying player)

 “Have you seen a man named Jason Kinsley?” I practically snarled at the freshman I was interrogating. He squeaked and seemed to shy away slightly as he pointed at a guy mingling with his group of friends. Something about his appearance bothered me, as if I knew who he was. But no time for that. As I always say: act first, think later.

“Hey! Jason Kinsley!” I cried out. As they caught sight of me, his ‘friends’ quickly ran off, fearing for their lives.


Before he could finish, I was running. I tackled him to the ground, my bottled up fury releasing in a blast more powerful than before. The other guys were bad, but this guy had made things personal.

I threw heavy punches at any part of him that I could reach, smirking at the groans of pain he let out. He tried to pull me off and managed to wrestle me over so that we were face to face. That’s when it clicked. The mid-length brown hair, the hazel eyes, that stupid grin. He was the jerk from before!

In the split second that I halted my assault to figure this out, he had flipped me over and tied me up before throwing me painfully back down.

“What the hell!?” I screamed in protest.

“Now what did I tell you about fighting guys?” Jason smirked down at me, holding the end of the rope.

“Why am I tied up? More importantly, why the hell do you have rope!?”

“It comes in handy,” he leant down and breathed seductively in my ear. If my hands weren’t bound together and pinned behind my back, I would have knocked him out right then and there.

“Get away from me you freaking pervert!”

“What? Pervert? I was merely referring to art projects and such,” he replied, mocking innocence.

A tense silence sunk in as I glared daggers at him and he simply smirked back cockily. God, smirking. I freaking hate it when guys do that!

“Are you a vampire?” I asked quietly.


“Or maybe a ninja?”

“I have no idea-”

“WELL WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!? You can’t be human! How could you have tied me up like that so easily!?”

His confused look faded away and was replaced with yet another smirk as he realized my frustration.

“Interesting…” he mumbled to himself before grabbing onto my shoulders and yanking me up to a standing position. As I teetered slightly, my balance off due to my arms and legs being tied, he started to circle slowly around me.

“Interesting…” he repeated. He then started pausing at random points in his circle.

“Hair and face could use improvement…”

“What?!” he continued talking to himself as if I wasn’t there.

“And she is definitely nothing special when it comes to the melons, or the backside either…”

“HEY!” I screamed again, squirming uncomfortably under his gaze as my anger continued to bubble.

“Snappy personality too. Absolutely horrible…”


“And an ugly tendency to violence. I see.”

I let out a cry of frustration as I furiously tried to undo the rope and free myself to kick the cocky grin right off his smug little face.

“That settles it. You are going to be my temporary girlfriend.”

I froze at his words as time slowed down. Wait…WHAT!?

“I’ll be paying you of course, and in return you will have to complete small tasks I assign you as my girlfriend.”

I was still frozen as time caught up to me, then the seriousness of his voice hit me like a speeding train. I freaked out.

“You must be crazy if you think I’ll say yes to a cocky, rope-keeping, foul, player like you!”

“Of course, if you refuse Alexandra Connor, you can’t blame me if your little secret get’s leaked,” he said coldly. His cocky grin suddenly looked dark and evil as he twirled a strand of my hair around his finger. I was too shocked to say anything. He knew my full name? Putting on a brave face, I snarled at him again.

“W-What secret? I don’t have any secrets you jerk face,” I winced as I realized how unsure I sounded.

“Your secret about your mom. And the real reason why you were living with your aunt the summer after your dad left.”

My head jerked up to face him, my eyes wide with a mix of fear and anger.

“How do you-”

“You’re not the only one who knows how to find out information Alexandra.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“It’s such a beautiful name-”

“DON’T call me that!”

“Okay, okay. I’m leaving, so I’ll untie you now. From now on, any acts of violence towards me will count as a breech of the rules. After all, girlfriends aren’t supposed to try and kill their boyfriends now are they,” he smirked before removing the rope and slinging it casually over his shoulder. “Goodbye Alexandra.

With that, he was gone and I stood paralyzed for a moment. Then my anger came back. It was too late to do anything now. He had a hold over me. Blackmail.

Angrily, I spat in the direction he had left before turning and running back home.

What the hell just happened?

***A/N Tee-hee!

So how did you guys like this chapter? Any surprises? ;) To ze left is Jason Played by the one and only, drool worthy Chase Crawford XD

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Aissa <3***

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