Chapter 9: Card Master vs. Makeovers

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Chapter 9: Card Master vs. Makeovers

"Damn it! She's waking up!"

"Quick! Get her in the chair!"

"She's never going to go along with this."

"Yeah? Well neither was I. How am I supposed to fix that?"

"Master Jace insisted. Now shut up and tie this for me."

"W...where..." I groaned as my eyes opened slowly, then gasped. Two women were leaning over me, one was biting her lip and the other just looked really pissed off. My blood froze. Where was I? And what exactly did they want me here for?

"Where am I?"

The women hesitated for a moment, before the nervous one spoke up. As I looked closer, I saw that she had brown hair with carefully placed, dirty blonde, highlights. And...well...she looked like a freaking supermodel.

"Master Jace asked for us to take care of your...appearance, before going to meet Mr. and Mrs. Kinsley. We are terribly sorry about the whole...knocking you out thing, but Mr. Kinsley said it was the only way you would oblige..."

"Oh," I mumbled softly. Now that I was a little more informed, I realized that it wasn't guns and knives that the women were holding, but hair curlers and mascara. My back tensed again. I could have handled it if they were murderers, I could have just fought them off. But this, this was much worse. Just then, the pissed off redhead-that also looked like a model- confirmed my suspicions.

"We're giving you a makeover to do something about your ugly appearance. Now shut up and sit still."

Hell. No.

"Get away! Don't you dare touch me!" I screamed. I struggled to get up, but my hands were bound to the chair. The nervous one saw me struggling and tried to grab my shoulders, but I ducked out of her way, sending her flailing clumsily into the marble wall behind us.

"Jesus Christ! Sit down you freaking maniac!" The redhead growled, lunging towards me. In one deft motion, I swung my leg around and roundhouse kicked her in the stomach. She staggered for a moment before falling to the floor. This was my chance.

Without thinking twice, I hobbled over to the makeup table, my balance slightly off due to my arms still being tied to the plastic chair I was carrying along with me.

"Scissors, scissors, there's got to be something..."my eyes landed on a broken bottle of shampoo and I smirked. Arduously, I used the broken glass to cut the ties on my arm and free me from the chair. I turned around, just in time to see the nervous one calling for backup.

I didn't have much time.

I hauled ass to the nearest door which, luckily, lead to the hallway. I ducked and weaved my way around sculptures and flower pots. Jeez, Jace must be loaded.

"There she is!"

"Stop! You're overreacting!"

I made the mistake of looking back, and saw the two bodyguards who had knocked me out. They were pretty big guys, and usually I would've ran. But nobody knocks out Alex Connor. Nobody.

I made a u-turn and dashed towards the two men, feeling like James Bond as I smirked at their confused expressions.

Gritting my teeth, I waited until I was a foot away from them, and leapt. My Amazon-queen battle cry mixed with their screams of fear, created an agonizing collision of noise as I vaulted myself onto the chest of the first guy. He let out a cry of pain as I continued my assault, turning to the second guy and kneeing him where the sun doesn't shine. He doubled over in pain and I kicked him over, causing him to fall on his slightly less than him, but still considerably huge friend.

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