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I walked inside, dumping my bag and phone onto the bench.

Walking over to the kitchen, I made myself a cup of tea.

About five minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

I raised my eyebrows. Who could that be?

I walked over to the door, swinging it open to see Harry smirking, his curly hair blowing over his eyes in the wind.

"Hi?" I said.

He laughed.

"No... 'Harry'!" He imitated me, smiling widely.

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm not one of those crazy fangirls anymore."

He laughed. "Shame. I enjoyed every time you blushed when I spoke to you."

I blushed, almost coincidental.

"That obviously hasn't changed" I said.

Smiling, he shook his head.

"Anyway, I got this for you."

He handed me something wrapped in wrapping paper.

"Harr-" But I was interrupted by warm lips pressing against mine.

With a jolt I realised that Harry was kissing me. Harry Styles was kissing me.

It took me a few seconds to come back to reality - It seemed like a dream.

When we finally pulled apart and my eyes fluttered open again, I smiled.

"What was that?" I whispered.

He smirked again.


"Don't be."

He laughed.

I grinned before grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer again.

When our lips parted, he grinned back.

"See you tomorrow, Miss Topaz."

I smirked.

"Bye" I said, smiling. "And thanks for the gift! You really didn't have to."

"It was my pleasure" He said winking.

He smiled at me before walking into his car and driving away, for the second time.

I couldn't help the grin that started to spread across my face.

I put down Harry's gift on the table, my mind running wild.

I just kissed Harry Styles. I just kissed Harry Styles. I just kissed-

But my thoughts were interrupted by another knock at the door.

"Harry, what is it no-"

My throat fell into my chest.


Oh God.

"Was Harry just here?" She asked rudely.

"That's - none of your business" I snapped.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really."

"You're a coward, Courtney."

"What? I'm a coward? What did I ever do to you Jess?" I spat through my bubbling anger.

"Excuse me? You left the party! You just wanted One Direction all to yourself!" She yelled.

"Jess, you don't even know half the story!" I yelled back. "They were going to be all over the news within seconds if I didn't drive them home! And besides, why should you even care? They're just normal boys who are living their lives, just extraordinarily."

She ignored me anyway.

"Did you enjoy sleeping with Harry?" She spat. "Did you have fun without me there? Bet you did."

"How could you say that?" I yelled. "Of course I didn't sleep with Harry, you idiot! Why would I do such a thi-"

She must have hit a nerve or something because the next thing she did was grab her phone that was in her hand and throw it directly at my head.

I ducked just in time, her phone missing my head by inches.

It hit the wall with a crash, the glass screen shattering into thousands of tiny pieces.

"Now look what you've done!" She screeched.

"Excuse me?" I yelled. "What I've done? Jess, I think you seriously need to leave before I throw something at you."

I stormed over to where her phone lay, shattered on the ground and picked it up with the tips of my fingers.

"Here" I snapped, tossing her the phone.


But I shut the door hard in her face.

From the window, I could hear Jess cursing under her breath before speeding down the road in her BMW.

I couldn't believe what just happened; my mind was flipping through the conversation over and over again.

"Did you enjoy sleeping with Harry?Did you have fun without me there? Bet you did"

How could she say that? How dare she say that?!

I was too angry to speak.

My thoughts finally drifted to Harry and how he kissed me.


It took my breath away just by thinking about it.

I walked to my room and opened my wardrobe.

Scanning my eyes for a dress to wear tomorrow, I finally came across a sky blue one.

I then grabbed some white ankle-high heels and placed them next to my bed.

It was nearly 12:00pm, and I was getting pretty hungry.

I dialled my favourite pizza place, Gormey, and ordered a Capricosa.

Within ten minutes, there was a knock on the door.

I answered it to find a girl who looked like she was in her early twenties or late teens with dark blonde hair and brown eyes smiling at me.

"Miss Topaz?" She asked kindly.

I nodded.

"Here's you're pizza."

"Thanks" I said as she handed over my pizza.

"That will be $20" She explained.

I handed her the money.

"Thanks very much" she said, before turning and walking back to her pizza van.

I closed the door behind me, walking over to the table and starting to eat.

* * *

I grabbed Harry's gift from the table, being cautious so that I didn't tear the beautiful wrapping, or break anything inside.

When I finally removed the wrapping unharmed, I gasped.

It was a white-gold chain, a diamond heart hanging from the end.

"Wow" I breathed.

I couldn't believe it. It was so beautiful! And for Harry to get me this when we've only just met...

My mind searched for words at the thought of Harry getting me a gift.

I smiled to myself as I walked into my room and got changed.

Finally, exhausted and over-excited, I slipped into bed, the events from the day playing over in my mind.

I guess everything good comes with something bad.

I sighed. Why was Harry so perfect?

As a pleasant thought flew into my mind, I smiled to myself in the darkness.

He was mine.

And if he wasn't, I was going to make him mine.


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