Fifty Three

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"So, what have you been up to today?" I asked Niall once I took a seat down next to him and Harry.

"Zayn, Mia and I went to the movies for a bit, and we just chilled at a private restaurant in the hotel after that" Niall explained.

"Was the movie good?"

"Yea, why so many questions?" Niall asked, laughing.

I laughed along. "Just curious, I guess."

I turned back around to see Harry staring at the girl in front of him, wide eyed and not blinking.

A pang of jealously stabbed me in the chest as I watched Harry's expression. What was up with him? His girlfriend is sitting right next to him and he is gawking at some other girl in front of him?

Anger, hate and jealously coursed through me, directing itself at the girl who sat diagonally from me. She was staring at her phone, not noticing Harry's wide eyes on her.

When she finally looked up and her eyes met his she smirked and winked at him.

Harry's expression didn't change, and I wondered if there was something going on between them.

The girl rolled her eyes at Harry and turned to me.

"Hello, you must be Courtney?" She said. "Harry has told me loads about you."

I swallowed and nodded. What was Harry saying to her, and why was he with her in the first place? Mad curiosity and jealously hit me again and I had to remember that I had to reply to this girl.

"R-really?" I stuttered.

She laughed at my nervous response and nodded.

"And how do you know Harry?" I dared to ask.

"Well, he became a good friend of mine while we were on tour together" She replied.

"On tour together?"

"Yea, I was one of the journalists that travelled with One Direction on their tour. Now I've transferred over to Five Seconds of Summer."

More curiosity took over me. I wanted to know more about this girl. Why did she transfer over to Five Seconds of Summer if she was already with One Direction? Did something happen?

She said that her and Harry became good friends while they were on tour together. I was too scared to get into detail of the proper definition.

"And your name was?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry! My name's Kara. Kara Davis" She explained with an over confident smile.

I nodded and looked over at Harry to see if his expression had changed but he wasn't there.

He was out of his seat and walking towards the mens bathrooms.

"I'll be right back" I said to Kara, getting up from my seat to follow Harry before he got any further.

I caught up to him just before he pushed the door open. Grabbing his wrist, I pulled him away from the restaurants view and into a small corner behind the bathrooms.

"What are you doing?" Harry hissed.

"The question is, what are you doing? You've been acting weird since we sat down. Is something wrong? I said.

Harry swallowed and his eyes glinted with fear. "N-no, nothings wrong."

"Harry, I may have only been with you for a couple of months now, but I can tell when something is wrong" I told him, rubbing his hand. "Please, you can tell me."

He shook his head frantically again. "No, I can't. Really, I can't."

"Why not? And who is that Kara girl?" I questioned.

"Just someone. I thought she already explained her life story to you" Harry said, looking away from my eyes.

"She just mentioned something about being a journalist. Look, if you two hooked up or something, I-"

"What? Where did that idea come from?" Harry breathed, panic taking over his eyes.

"Calm down, it was just a theory. And why are you so jumpy?" I was beginning to stress over Harry's reaction to this dinner and it hadn't even started yet.

"Look Harry, why don't we just go back in there and have dinner in peace."

"No, we need to leave, now."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Yes, you are. You're coming with me" Harry snapped, running his fingers through his hair.

"No Harry, I'm not. Just because you're in this mood doesn't mean you can just push me around and tell me what to do. I'm going back in there and having dinner with our friends, and I suggest you do the same" I said, taking a breath after my long speech.

I began to walk away from him, but he wrapped his fingers firmly around my wrist and pulled me back to his chest.

"Look, I'm sorry that I am this way, I really am. I just can't help it" He said, kissing my hair.

I sighed. "Me too, but can we please just go back in there without making a scene?"

Harry sighed as well, but reluctantly nodded and pulled me away from his chest. "Okay."

Harry's POV

That was close. Too close. I nearly lost my girlfriend, right there. If Kara had of slipped one tiny little detail about what happened on the tour...


I don't even want to imagine it.

I would get Kara cornered later and threaten her just like I did to Louis.

Courtney held my hand in hers as she led the way back to the restaurant.

All I wanted to do was run back up to the hotel room with Courtney, lock the door and stay with her all night, just me and her, alone.

No Louis, no Kara, no problems. Just the two of us.

I smiled at the thought, but was snapped out of it as soon as Kara came into view again.

She was in a conversation with that Ariana girl who was seated next to her boyfriend, Luke.

Luke was a nice guy, and I hoped that Ariana treated him the way he deserved to be. She seemed nice enough, very much unlike her friend next to her.

I took my seat back next to Courtney and Liam, and he nudged me once I had completely sat down.

"Everything alright?" He asked quietly, sounding concerned.

"Yea, why wouldn't it be?" I replied, looking down at the menu so that I didn't have to make eye contact with him.

"You're kidding, right? Did you not see the way you were gawking at Kara right in front of Courtney? How do you think that makes her feel-"

"Look, Liam, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but now's really not the time" I said, pushing the menu away from me and staring absent-mindedly at the white table cloth.

"Sure. I'm just looking out for your relationship. If you really cared about her you wouldn't be staring wide-eyed at other women" He said again so that only I could hear.

I turned to face him and gave him the biggest death glare that I could manage.

He shrugged and turned to face Jana, leaving me alone with my millions of thoughts.

Courtney was back into a full on conversation with Niall again. The two of them seemed to get along really well. I didn't feel jealous or anything; Niall wasn't exactly a threat to me. He was a sweet guy and besides, he has Mia. Niall would never cheat or hurt her over my girlfriend.

I'm just glad that Courtney wasn't talking to Louis, for once. That boy has the biggest mouth I had ever heard of in my entire life.

I swear, if Louis or Kara is the cause of Courtney to break up with me, so help me I will kill them both.

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