Sixty Eight

317 12 1

Harry's POV


I felt dizzy. Really dizzy.

My eyes were tightly screwed shut and my head was throbbing.

Where was I?

I slowly managed to open my eyes, a sharp light immediately blinding me.

I was on a bed, and my right leg and arm was in a cast. The room I was in was white and had a small blue chair in the far corner, accompanying a long, cream desk.

Then it finally hit me... I was in a hostpital room.

My body ached as I went to sit up, and I yelped in pain.

I couldn't remember anything that had happened. What time was it, anyway?

The curtains were shut and there was only the blinding roof lights keeping the room lit.

"Mr Styles, are you okay?" A voice asked from beside me.

I jumped in fright. I hadn't noticed that there was anybody else in the room but me.

My head turned to face the owner of the voice.

A man stood there, with bleached white hair and baby blue eyes, a long, white robe covering his doctor outfit.

I stared blankly at him, not words able to tumble from my mouth.

The doctor tilted his head at me, still waiting for a reply.

I managed a small nod, and he smiled at me.

"Very good" The doctor said, pulling out a clipboard from one of the drawers. "Now, do you feel any pain at all?"

Was this guy mad, or was he mad?

I screwed up my face in disgust at his question of stupidity.

"I'll take that as a no" He said, supposedly writing this down on his clipboard.

Suddenly, images of the accident flashed through my mind.

The truck, the ambulance, the police, Courtney's pleading voice with the officer.


Oh no.

Where is she now? Is she okay?

"H-has anybody" I began, coughing in between my sentence, "Come to s-see me?"

The doctor smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Mr Styles. There are still a bunch of visitors waiting outside. I believe they are the rest of your band members, but one of them mentioned that she was your girlfriend."


Did Courtney really say that she was my girlfriend?

Excitement took over me at the thought.

Maybe she had already forgiven me...

"Send them in" I told the doctor.

He frowned. "But-"

"Now" I said firmly. I needed to see Courtney.

The doctor looked shocked at my harsh words but nodded immediately after I had finished speaking and hurried out the door.

Minutes later, Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Courtney entered the room, worried looks taking over their faces.

Courtney immediately rushed over to me, buried her face in my chest and started to cry.

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