Fifty Six

503 16 2

Harry's POV

I sped the whole way to our apartment, not caring about the thousand speed cameras flashing as I drove past them.

All I could think about was getting to Courtney and giving her a reasonable explanation about the pictures. It wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't care.

Although, she had gotten quite mad at me after Jana kissed me, even though Courtney witnessed Jana throwing herself on me, and that scared me, because Courtney wasn't there when Kara did the same thing as Jana, but this time Kara did it for media attention and fame.

My car pulled up into our driveway and I ran inside, briefly locking the car behind me.

"Courtney?" I yelled through the large house.

No answer.

I ran up the stairs and down the corridor.

Soft crying came from our bedroom, and I hurried inside.

Courtney was sitting on the edge of the bed near the window, cyring into her hands.


"Get away from me!" She screamed, turning so that her back was to me.

"Courtney, I'm really sorry, I-"

"Well sorry isn't good enough this time, Harry" She said, crying again.

I sighed and sat down next to her. She shifted her body so that it was as far away from me as possible.

"Please stop crying" I said, frowning.

She turned to face me with red eyes and flushed cheeks. It killed me to see her this way.

"Why should I, Harry? Why should I listen to you? After you go and do something like this..." Her voice trailed off and I nearly started crying myself.

"I love you" I said desperately.

Courtney didn't reply. Instead she got up and walked towards the door while shaking her head.

Before she could get any further, I held her wrist and pulled her onto my lap.

"Please, just hear me out" I said, wiping away the tears from her eyes.

She sighed but nodded anyway.

Relief washed over me as I began to explain what really happened to her.

Courtney's POV

"We were at the front of the stadium, and Kara was there obviously" Harry began. I have no idea why I am allowing myself to sit on his lap and actually listen to him talk about all this.

"She wanted to make a scene, so she grabbed the collar of my shirt, and before I knew it, her tongue was down my throat."

I cringed and Harry gave me an apologetic look.

"Please, don't talk like that" I whispered.

"Sorry. It just slipped out" Harry told me.

I nodded and gestured for him to continue.

"The media took thousands of photos, which was of course Kara's intentions in the first place. She had gotten what she had wanted. Attention and fame."

Harry looked at me in the eyes, hoping to get a response out of me.

I couldn't speak; I was trying to decide whether or not to trust him on this or if he was just making this up.

I sighed, finally coming to a conclusion.

"Look, Harry. I know you wouldn't have done this on purpose. Kara seemed like she wanted something from you anyway. I could tell that she wanted more than anything to be with you. The entire time on the tour she was literally all over you" I said, looking into Harry's hopeful eyes. "So, I'm giving you another chance. Just don't use this one up all at once again."

"You really believe me?" Harry asked, beaming at me.

I took a deep breath before nodding.

"Yea, I do. I'm sorry."

Harry shook his head frantically.

"No, you shouldn't be apologising, I should. I've put you through hell and you're still here. I'm sorry, I love you" Harry said, pulling me to his chest and hugging me tightly.

"You haven't put me through hell Harry, don't say that. You're amazing and you know it. We've just had our ups and downs, that's all" I reply, planting a kiss on his cheek before moving down to his lips.

"I love you" Harry said. "And again I'm-"

"If you say you're sorry one more time, I swear, I'll take back my forgiveness and go back to crying in the corner" I teased, smirking.

Harry smirked back and kissed me again.

Even though part of me is screaming and telling me this is all wrong, the other part is just begging for me to let it all go. Harry needs me and I need Harry.

For now, anyway.

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