christmas au - bakugou

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Today was the day you were going to fly back home to see your family. Unfortunately, there was school right until Friday and you couldn't miss anything. This left you cramped for time, but you managed to book a last minute flight directly to your hometown on Christmas Eve, and you would be home in time for the morning.

The days leading up to your trip seemed to drag along slowly, but when the day finally came you were ecstatic. You quickly went over a mental list of everything you had packed, then the time finally came to leave. You called a taxi and took off towards the airport. 

When you arrived, you went through security, found your gate and sat down nearby, waiting for them to allow people to board the plane. 

2 hours had passed, and you were starting to feel antsy. You should have gotten on ages ago. You decided to ask a staff member.

"Excuse me," you approached a woman near the boarding area. "My flight was scheduled to leave a while ago, do you know what's happening?"

"Our apologies, ma'am, the snow is a bit heavy so we're just waiting for it to die down to make sure the flight is 100% safe!" she chirped.

I thanked her and returned to my seat with my bags. Another 2 hours passed, and I was starting to lose hope and patience. Right as I was about to go up to her again, a loud yet muffled voice appeared overhead. 

"Flight 9 at Gate 7A has been cancelled until further notice. Please speak to staff about arranging tickets for further flights."


It was a long cab ride back home. The storm was still raging and didn't look like it was going to end soon. Finally, you arrived at your apartment building, and made your way up to your room. 

Upon reaching the door, you began to dig through your purse, searching for the keys to unlock it. You couldn't hear them nor feel them and you were beginning to feel panicked. Practically turning your entire bag upside down, you dug through everything, tearing apart your suitcases too in search of the keys.

Suddenly, you remembered. You had left them with the dogsitter, who likely wouldn't be here until later tomorrow. You leaned against your door and sunk into the ground, letting out an exasperated groan.

You knelt with your head in your arm for a few moments, until you heard the elevator ding, signaling someone was getting off at this floor. You chose to ignore them, seeing you weren't really in the mood for conversation. You heard them walk beside you and unlock their door.

Damn it. It was Bakugou, your next door neighbor. That guy was a total piece of work, and you didn't mean that as a compliment. You weren't sure if all of his Pro-Hero work had gotten to his head, or if he'd always had a massive ego, but you just didn't like him.

He knew this, and made no attempt to talk to you, period. In fact, it seemed he would go out of his way just to be rude. You glanced up towards the direction of his door, surprised to still see him standing there. He was turned towards you, with a look of confusion across his face.

"Why are you just sitting out here?"

"I'm locked out."


"Because I don't have my keys?" Geez, he didn't seem to sharp compared to the other heroes you saw on TV and read about online.

"Would you like to come inside?" he asked politely. It didn't suit his rough and hardened voice, but it was a different approach from him.

"No thank you, I'm fine. I'll have my keys by tomorrow," you said to him flatly, turning to your phone to end the conversation.

He stood there for another moment, faced his door to unlock it, then turned back to you.

"Why do you have your suitcases?"

"Because I was going on a trip but my flight was cancelled because of the storms."

He walked over to your suitcases and lifted one up by the handle.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? Give that back!" you exclaimed upon seeing him pick up your belongings.

Bakugou extended a hand to you which you stared at warily, not moving.

"Come on inside. I know we hate each other, but you're locked out and it's Christmas Eve." he said with a weak smile, which turned out more like a grimace.

You decided to smarten up and take his hand. It was kind of sweaty, but you didn't have time to think about that as he quickly pulled you up and placed his hand in the small of your back to guide you into his apartment room.

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