christmas au - midoriya

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The holidays were drawing closer and closer everyday. Usually you weren't one to celebrate much, but it was always fun to get into the Christmas spirit with your friends and family. Your class had decided on doing a Secret Santa gift exchange with everyone in the class.

Iida had naturally been very cautious about the idea. "We must receive direct permission from Aizawa-Sensei before proceeding to make plans!" he instructed everyone, even though they didn't listen. "I'm serious! We must ensure we are not violating school policy by participating in this activity- I shall write Aizawa-Sensei a letter describing the outline of the plan. Midoriya! Assist me!"

You watched with an amused look as Izuku turned bright red at the mention of his name at such a loud volume, and he quickly rushed over to try and get Iida to stop shouting. You crossed your legs under your desk as your friend Momo came to set beside you. 

"How's it going?" she says with a wink as she sees you sneaking glances at Izuku. You roll your eyes and cover your face with your hands, turning as red as the freckled boy himself.

"Ugh, shut up," you laugh playfully. Momo had sworn to be the best matchmaker in all of UA, so you agreed to confide in her about your crush on Izuku. She was a sweet girl with good intentions, but you started to question her authenticity as cupid when Todoroki blocked her phone number and still ignores her to this day after only one dinner date.

Not wanting to hurt her feelings even more after this bad experience, you still allowed her into your (slightly dry) love life, and she was ecstatic about it.

"I think he's totally into you, Y/N," Momo babbled while stroking your hair absentmindedly. "He's like, he stutters so much whenever he sees you. And he turns bright red but he always looks at you whenever you don't notice!"

As much as you would have loved to believe her, you couldn't help but feel like this was all wishful thinking. Izuku was obviously a very shy boy, and he acted like this around any girl. Besides, you were almost positive he had a crush on Uraraka.

You decided to ignore Momo's comment, and pulled out your cell phone. This was supposed to be a work period, but Present Mic was usually pretty chill about how you chose to use it as long as the project was submitted on time.

Suddenly, Iida gets up from his chair, marches to the front of the classroom and clears his throat.

"Students of class 1-A, please listen closely. It is my understanding some of you may wish to participate in a "Secret Santa" gift exchange. I have reviewed this idea, and I have a few small suggestions. Firstly, I propose we change Secret Santa to Secret Snowman. The main reason for this is that as class representative, I feel it is my duty to keep the classroom an open and accepting space. I acknowledge not all of my peers may celebrate this holiday therefore I..." he ranted.

You tuned him out, choosing to focus your attention on Izuku once again. You found him so cute with his freckles, curly hair and wobbly smile. 

After Iida had finished his speech, he instructed everyone to write their name, and 3 possible gift ideas on a slip of paper. He would then chose named randomly, to "ensure everything would be fair and to enforce class bonding as a whole". 

You weren't sure if you were super lucky or super unlucky, but you received none other than Izuku Midoriya.


It was the last day before the winter break, and all of 1-A was gathered in home room ready for the gift exchange. Everyone had been required to include a clue along with their gift to help the person guess who their "Secret Snowman" was. You had found a warm scarf with beautiful green and blue tones to give to Izuku. Your clue was a clever pun about your quirk, which you hoped he would solve. 

You watched the hectic scene of the classroom unfold before you.

"Shitty hair! Did you get this for me? How did you know this was my favorite band?!"

"Uraraka? Is this clue about you?"

"Aw man, who gave me fresh croissants? I mean I appreciate the gesture, but these things have 4 different colors of mold growing on them!"

You opened the small box before you. It was a small silver chain with a silver pendant ring. It was very simple, but you thought it was gorgeous. Your heart almost stopped- what a thoughtful gift. You were desperate to find its sender and give them a huge thank you. 

Unfortunately, there was no clue. You began checking around your desk frantically to see if it had fallen anywhere. In your frenzy, you didn't notice a red pair of sneakers approaching you.

"Y/N?" Izuku said confidently. It startled you and you sat up quickly, hitting your head off the desk.

"Ouch- owww- Oh, hello Midoriya!" you said cheerfully while holding your head as it throbbed in pain.

"Has your gift exchange gone well so far?" he asked. 

You gave him a nod. "I got a beautiful necklace! But I can't find a clue to go with it..."

Izuku cleared his throat, and began to speak. "Oh, yeah! That was me who got it for you. Sorry for the lack of clues, I just wanted to be the one to tell you who it was from," he smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck.

"Really? Thank you- it's the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen! You have amazing taste," you told him, and the poor boy looked like he was about to pass out.

"Here Y/N, if it's worth anything, here's the clue I was going to give you," he says, and you can hear his voice wavering under all his nerves. He sets a folded up piece of paper on your desk, just as Iida calls him over to his desk to discuss how the Secret Snowman event went.

"Midoriya! I need a status report! Please come here immediately!"

Izuku gave you a small grin and blushed once again, before turning in Iida's direction. "I'll be right back!"

You smiled and opened the paper he left. It said Dinner?  in his neat handwriting and his phone number. You felt heat rise to your cheeks and noticed Izuku looking at you from afar, watching your reaction. 

When you met his gaze, he gave you a hopeful look rather than turning around quickly like he usually does. You flashed him a thumbs up and he broke into a big smile, cheering in the air before giving his attention back to Iida.

Beaming, you rushed over to Momo to show her what happened. " I told you," she scoffed. "Plus, who do you think convinced Iida to switch the names so that you two got each other?"



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