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Shouto had always been reclusive. When you had met him, it took lots of persistence on your end, and even more dedication on his to allow him to start opening up to you. Slowly you became friends, and then he suddenly confessed.

You had now been dating for quite a while. You had learned Shouto's emotions always seemed to come tumbling out, in big bursts. There was never any warning, and you knew it was because he liked to keep things to himself until he was no longer capable. 

Sometimes you would try to coax him into sharing with you; you set aside time to sit down with him to talk about his day, you tried sharing your own feelings, but nothing seemed to help him with telling others what was going on in his head.

You understood it was going to take time to recover from the abuse he lived through in his childhood, so the last thing you wanted was to put him in a situation where he wasn't comfortable. The only thing you ever asked of him was that he talk to someone- it could be anyone; Midoriya, Kirishima, you. It didn't matter as long as he told someone what he was going through. 

You sat in your living room, on your phone. Your parents and siblings were out for the day so you had the house to yourself. You planned on inviting Shouto over, but you remembered he usually visits his mom on days like these, so you held off until later.

Suddenly, there was a knock at your door. You walked over and peeked through the blinds cautiously. Even though you were definitely capable of defending yourself, you were still nervous at the thought of an intruder.

You looked outside to see a disheveled Shouto, his hair hanging in front of his face preventing you from seeing anything. Quickly you unlocked the door and ushered him inside. He looked worn out and exhausted, mentally and physically.

You took him by the hands and lead him up to your bedroom where you sat on the bed with his hands still in yours. You waited a few moments, not wanting to pressure him in this state. Slowly the boy looked up, and tears slid down his face.

He looked tired to say the least, his eyes were dull and darkened circles were around them and his nose looked red from crying. He put his head in your lap and began to cry even harder. His sobs shook his entire body and you felt his shaky breathing expanding and collapsing his figure rapidly.

You gripped one of his hands tightly, leaving your other hand free to trace circles and small shapes on his back, hoping to help him calm down slightly.

After a few minutes, the sobs slowly stopped and his breathing seemed to stabilize. He got up from your bed and sat on the edge, looking as if he was preparing to stand up. You quickly wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him close to you preventing him from leaving. Shouto stayed stiff, but you payed no attention to this.

"I apologize for showing up at your home uninvited," he said quietly, not looking at you.

"You're always welcome here Shouto. That's not important right now though, what's the matter?" you asked, looking up into his eyes even if he refused to acknowledge you.

He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. You could see his eyes darting around your room; he was trying to think of something to change the subject to. But Shouto was never good at small talk.

You continued to hug him, letting him relax a little bit more. You eventually started to feel sore from the position so you pulled him down towards your pillow with you, letting you both collapse onto your bed.

Both your legs were entangled, and Shouto extended his arm for you to rest your head on while he was a big spoon. After a few moments of comfortable silence, he began to speak.

"Everything that happened with my mother is my fault. Had I followed my father's training, he would have never gotten frustrated and taken it out on my mother. She would have still lived with us, Father wouldn't have locked her away. My burn is just a reminder that I wasn't good enough to protect her. I deserve that reminder to stay with me forever, so that I keep trying harder. I need to follow my father's wishes and surpass All M-" he spoke, only for you to cut him off.

"Shouto Todoroki, I know you better than anyone and I know those aren't your words or feelings. I really think the stress of being with your dad all summer has gotten to you. You were just a child when your father expected you to endure all of that- it was physically impossible for someone that young! You couldn't have done anything differently, don't blame yourself for his actions. You're doing more than enough by visiting your mother now, I'm sure she's completely ecstatic about getting to see you now. And as for your scar, it's just a memory of harder times, a consequence of someone else's actions. It's not a punishment for anything you've done. I think you still look very handsome, and nothing about it should bother you," you told him firmly.

He opened his mouth wanted to say something, but couldn't think of the words. He kissed your head. "I would be no one without you," he murmured, causing you to blush.

"I love you Shouto. You can be sure of that."

"I love you too (Y/N)," he breathed, in awe. You always knew exactly what to say. You always fought off his worries and insecurities, no matter the situation. He stayed silent for a moment, thanking you in his head. "I should probably get going, sorry to barge in like th-"

"No, it's fine Shouto, you can stay here," you said quickly, cutting him of once again. You knew how shy he was, and he needed to know that you wanted him to be there or else Shouto would feel awkward and uncomfortable.

He continued to spoon you, and you felt safe in his arms, knowing he was alright and feeling a bit better.

He was a work in progress, but you loved Shouto Todoroki with your whole heart. You truly believed in him, and saw how pure and full of kindness he really was. You believed you could help him to pick up his pieces again, so he could start to feel what he deserved: happiness.

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