smut - todoroki

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Note// Reader-chan and Todoroki are both in their third year of high school, and are both 18. If you aren't comfortable with VERY graphic descriptions of sexual activities, please skip this chapter. 

Contains degrading and choking


Todoroki had been home sick today. He was never one to fake, as you knew how much he hated staying in his house unless he absolutely needed to. The busy life of a UA student stops for no one, and in his one day absence Todoroki had missed quite a bit of work.

Since you lived a few blocks from him, Aizawa had entrusted you with delivering his missed worksheets and assignments. You were glad, this was a nice excuse to visit your longtime friend.

When the bell finally rang to signal your dismissal, you began to head towards your neighborhood to seek out your classmate. You didn't need a specific address, because the Todoroki residence was definitely the biggest and nicest in the area. Having the number 2 Pro-Hero as a father must have its perks.

You approached the entrance and knocked. "Hey Shouto, it's me, (Y/N)," you called.

After a few moments, there was some shuffling on the other side and the door swung open, revealing your bright and smiling face to him.

Todoroki's face visibly relaxed. "Hello, (Y/N). What brings you were today?"

You thrust a heaping pile of loose papers into his arms, and you swear you saw his eye twitch at the amount of work he had in store. 

"Am I supposed to learn all this on my own?" he questioned. 

You shrugged. "Read the textbook, I guess. You're smart, you'll figure it out eventually I'm sure. It was nice seeing you Shouto, but now I gotta head home and watch the new episode of- I mean, get a start on my own homework! Yeah, I'm really busy... I'll see you tomorrow hopefully!"

"Wait," he said in a monotone voice, grabbing your wrist before you could turn away. "Wanna be my tutor? Just for today, to help me catch up."

You gulped and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "Um, sure that's fi-"

Before you finished your sentence, he yanked you inside and lead you to the couch. "Have a seat. I'm gonna go have a really quick shower to help my fever, you can get set up."

"You're such a weirdo! You invite me to stay over, then you leave me alone down here to go shower? What am I gonna do if your siblings get home?" you exclaim while laughing.

"My oldest sister and brother have moved out, and the other brother does a bunch of after-school clubs. Father most likely won't be home until almost midnight. We won't be interrupted," he assured you.

You sat on the couch, scrolling through your phone when you finally heard the running water shut off. A few moments later, Todoroki was calling your name. 

"Give me a second, I'm coming," you responded while walking up the stairs. Following the direction of the noise, you stopped outside the door to the bathroom. "What is it Shouto?"

"I forgot the towel in my bedroom," he mumbled from the other side. 

You groaned, turning towards his door to grab it for him. The towel was sitting nicely folded on a clean bed in a clean room. 

What a neat freak! 

You knocked lightly. "Here it is, Shouto," you called. The door opened and you kept your eyes down, to avoid it being awkward. 

"Thanks," he said quickly, before shutting the door again.

You turned bright red. You managed not to look at him, at least, his face that is, But when you were looking down, something else caught your eye.

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