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Natalie does some hecka veterinary medicine in this chapter, go her. Also, there's another greys easter egg in there, let me know if any of you find it ;)

Thank you all for reading! We are now in season 2 for real now lol.

Not edited (((ALSO I had no idea what to name this freaking chapter so yeah lol)))


Dean left the next day since he had to go back to work, said he couldn't stay away from the mechanic shop for too long. Natalie hugged her brother tightly and watched him leave.

She sighed and shut the door, she hoped she would see him sometime soon. Natalie grabbed Will's lunch and placed it in his backpack and waited for the small boy to come out of his room. Johnathan raced out with wild hair and grabbed a piece of toast before running out the door. Natalie laughed at him as he struggled to put his shoes on and run to his car at the same time.

Will walked in front of her and grabbed his backpack and put it on, "I guess you're driving me." he said with a small grin.

She nodded, "Yes I am." she grabbed her keys off the counter, "C'mon, Buck."

The German shepherd lifted his head and he limped over to them with an excited bark. Will rubbed Bucky's ears as they walked out to her truck and he helped her lift the dog into the back seat.

Natalie started the car and drove Will to school, "So halloween is in a couple of days, are you excited?" she asked with a smile.

Will nodded, "Oh yeah, we're going as the Ghost Busters."

Natalie stopped at a light, "Ooh, spooky." she poked him in his shoulder causing him to giggle. The light turned green and she started driving again, her mind wandering to how Will was doing with his anxiety, "How are you feeling?" she asked.

Will shrugged, "I keep seeing the thing." he admitted, "It's like I'm frozen whenever it happens." he said quietly.

Natalie nodded, "you should let Dr. Owens know. Even though I don't trust them, they're trying to help."

Will swallowed thickly, "I'll do that, this time for real." he looked at her with wide eyes, "Will you be there today, Nat?" he asked.

She nodded, "Of course, and after we can go get ice cream, well if your mom allows it" she smiled at him.

Will smiled back at her, "I'd like that, and Bob is rubbing off on her with all that healthy food talk." he said with a laugh.

Natalie chuckled, "Oh Bob, what a character."

Will laughed as she parked the car and he got out, "Bye Nat!"

She waved at him, "Bye, Will. I'll see you later."

He nodded and walked into the school. She reversed her car and then slammed on the breaks as a blue Camaro almost rammed into her. Natalie rolled down her window and stuck her head out with a scowl, "Watch it!" she shouted at the car as it passed.

The car stopped quickly and a teenage boy with long blond hair stuck his head out of the window and gave her a blinding smile, "Sorry, sweetheart." he said with a wink and drove off.

Natalie scoffed and rolled her eyes as she rolled up the window. She carefully drove away from the school and to the clinic. Bucky wagged his tail as they came to a stop, and she grinned at her dog, "I know, it's a big day Buck, you get that awful cast off," she cooed and kissed his furry face.

Natalie carried Bucky into the clinic and greeted everyone with a kind smile. She brought him to the OR and sawed off his red cast. Bucky barked loudly at her as she put him on the floor.

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