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For some reason it's not notifying you guys when I update!

Sorry that it's been so long since I've updated! I have really bad writer's block :/ This chapter is a little bland, sorry friends. I hope you enjoy though! Thank you for all the support! I would never have thought this would get so popular haha.

Not edited


---Jim's POV---

Jim watched her mouth drop as he just spoke those words to her.

Natalie stopped and looked up at Jim, "What did you just say?" she asked, her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

Jim smiled widely at her, "I gave you an answer, I love you too."

Natalie lightly shoved him, "It took you almost dying to have to say that?" she said with a light laugh.

Jim pulled her closer to him, still leaning heavily against her, "I know, I think a lot, too much really," he told her, referring back to when El had asked him if he loved someone and he thought of her and all the reason why he didn't deserve her. She was right though, it did take him almost dying to realize that he did indeed deserve her in his life. He only had this life, so why would he throw away his shot with her?

Natalie nodded at him, "Well, even though I love hearing you say those words, you still have to make up for everything that you put me through," she told him honestly.

Jim smiled, "I know and I will. I'm sorry I put you through that," he told her honestly as he remembered her tear-streaked face after he left her crying in the clinic. His stomach twisted in knots as he thought about it, he never wanted to make her feel that way again.


Natalie slipped her hand into Jim's. Then a large unit of soldiers dropped into the tunnel with flamethrowers, they immediately started firing the vines around them, "Get out! Go! Clear the area!" they shouted.

The group was rushed out of the tunnels and pulled out of the Upside Down. As Natalie crawled out of the tunnel, and she saw Will. His body was convulsing on the ground, his eyes rolled back into the back of his head, and a silent scream escaping from his mouth.

"Will!" Natalie screamed and flung herself over to his side and shook him, tears streaming down her face, "What's wrong with him?" she asked Mike who was looking horrified next to her.

"I don't know! He just started screaming!" Mike told her in a panicked voice.

Natalie shook Will's shoulders and was roughly pushed aside by a soldier who grabbed Will and rushed him to a car. Joyce and Bob were ushered along with Will and shoved into the same car. Natalie stood up and grabbed Mike by his shoulder, she was frantically searching for Jim above the crowd. "Jim!" She shouted.

"Natalie!" Jim replied as he was shoved into a different car with a group of scientist wearing hazmat suits.

Natalie walked forward but was blocked by a soldier who roughly grabbed her by her upper arm and started dragging her to another jeep. She looked back at Mike who was gripping her shirt tightly.

"It's going to be okay," Natalie told him as they were pushed into a car. The engine roared to life and they were speeding down the road. Scientists were bombarding them with questions and poking them with medical instruments. Natalie more so than Mike, she made sure they didn't get in his face too much.

After what felt like an eternity, they arrived at the Lab. She grabbed Mikes hand and pushed past the soldiers who were yelling at her to wait. Mike and her started to run to get to Will's side, who was being wheeled into the hospital. Doctors and nurses were yelling his vitals as they traveled down the halls.

They chased them down the hall and came to a halt outside Will's door. They watched Joyce cry in agony as Will writhed in the bed in pain. Eventually, the doctors knocked him out with anesthesia to get his vitals to return to normal.

Natalie opened the door and brought Mike in behind her. "How is he?" she asked Joyce.

Joyce wiped her face, "I don't know. They don't know what's going on."

Natalie nodded, "They'll figure it out. We'll figure it out." she reassured her.

"Thank you," she hugged Natalie.

Bob cleared his throat, "So, um. If you don't mind me asking, what is going on here?"

Joyce let out a light laugh and sniffled, "Let's go talk in the hallway."

The two of them left the room. Natalie leaned against the wall and watched Mike take a seat next to Will. The door opened and a nurse gave her a pair of turquoise scrubs to put on. Natalie went into the bathroom and changed into the scrubs and placed her contaminated clothes in a bag. She opened the door and leaned against the wall again. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her palms were starting to sweat as anxiety built up inside her.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked him his seat.

Natalie shook her head, "No I'm not. I can't believe this is happening again. This freaking supernatural crap all coming back."

Mike nodded, "I know, but we can win. Will's spying on the shadow monster, that's how he could find Hopper."

Natalie tilted her head, "Wait, he is looking into its mind? What if it looks back?" she questioned Mike.

Mike swallowed, "He is, but he won't let it," he said firmly and looked down at his shoes, "I hope," he muttered.

There was knock on the door and Bob poked his head in, "Um, Natalie. Jim is looking for you."

She looked back at Mike who nodded at her to leave. Natalie rushed out of the room and saw Jim at the end of the hall talking to Dr. Owens. She walked over to him and slipped her hand into his. He looked down at her with a smile and squeezed her hand.

"Natalie, nice to see you here," Dr. Owens said and then looked at them with a raised eyebrow, "We better get going."


Don't worry I have a lot of fluff planned!!!

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