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Season two is here! :D we aren't into the show yet, but it has started!

Nat's and Jim's relationship reminds of Meredith and Derek off Greys..hmm maybe I'm watching too much Greys lol.

Not edited!


Natalie rolled over to her side when she heard her door open, there was the padding of feet and the bed beside her dipped lightly. A small hand landed on her shoulder.

"Nat, do you want to eat something before we go to the doctor?" Will asked her softly.

She shook her head and sat up, "I'm okay, ill meet you out in the car." she said quietly.

Will looked at her with big eyes and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, "Okay," he sat back on his knees, "It makes me sad to you see you like this." he said and got up from the bed and walked out of her room.

Natalie sighed and got dressed. She felt like she was a robot, just going through the motions. Ever since that stupid night that happened about two weeks ago, she's just been a shell of who she was. Thankfully, Joyce pretty much forced her to stay over till she got over this thing. Natalie grabbed her keys from the dresser and walked into the living room and smiled at Bucky, who was cuddling with Chester, his bright red cast sticking out at an awkward angle.

Johnathan poked his head around the corner, "Have you eaten yet? Mom's at work."

Natalie shook her head, "Not yet. I was going to take Will out for breakfast when we finish the appointment."

Will smiled up at her from where he was tieing his shoes, "Really?"

She nodded and squared her shoulders, "Yeah, it's time for me to get over this." she told them with a nod.

Johnathan grinned, "Good for you, Nat. That bastard-" his eyes widened and he looked at Will with a sheepish smile, "sorry, that mouthbreather is not worth your time, Nat."

Will nodded in agreement, "Yeah, plus he shot Bucky, who does that?" he said as he stood up.

Natalie cracked a smile, a real one this time, "Thanks, guys," she pulled them into a hug, "I love you two so much." she said quietly.

"We love you too, Nat." They replied simultaneously.

Natalie pulled back and glanced at her watch, "Oh shoot, we're going to be late." she grabbed her jacket and shrugged it on, "C'mon Will the Wise."

Will ran out of the house and climbed into her truck. Natalie waved to Johnathan and she got into her car and started it. The ride was silent, she could tell he was nervous.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, Will. I'll be there the entire time and just think, we can go eat all we want after this."

He nodded, "I know, sorry, it just," he looked at her, "It's getting worse." he admitted.

Natalie glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, "What do you mean?" she asked, her heart starting to pound in her chest.

"Sometimes I'm there in the upside down, but it's different. I can't really explain it." he shrugged and looked out the window.

Natalie turned into Hawkins Lab and parked the car, "You should tell them that, I know you don't want to, but maybe they can help you figure it out." she said softly and rubbed his back.

Will nodded and took a shaky breath, "I will, thank you Nat." he gave her a weak smile and then it completely slipped off his face.

"What?" she asked, "are you okay?" she asked in a worried voice.

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