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In honor of Davids B-day I'm trying to update today/tomorrow! Also I'm hecka of tired of looking at the script when I write this so im just gonna improv it haha

So sorry for the late update!

Not edited, could very well be a sucky chapter haha sorry guys


Joyce quickly put will back under with a anesthesia from a needle she took from the hospital. His body slumped against the chair and Jonathan and Joyce frantically untied Will from his chair. Natalie felt her heart race inside her chest when the ominous howls of the demo-dogs tore through the night.

She turned to face Jim with wide eyes, her leg now throbbing with every beat of her heart. Jim swiftly grabbed Natalie and held him close to his chest as they raced out of the cabin. Fear pulsing through their veins.

"Jim, If we're going to die tonight. I just want you to know-" she began but Jim shushed her.

"No, we're not dying tonight," he said seriously his blue eyes aflame with determination as he ran towards the house and opened the door. He rushed her over to the chair in the far corner of the room.

Natalie swallowed thickly and brought her hand up to cup his cheek. Her thumb running over the top of his cheekbone. Jim's eyes fluttered shut for a moment and he leaned into her touch, his right hand slipping into her free one.

"Hey! Cut it with the PDA shit is about to go down here!" Dustin shook Jim's shoulder lightly.

Natalie stifled a laughed when she watched Jim clench his jaw and glare at Dustin. He released her hand from his and grabbed the shotgun that was leaning against the wall.

"Didn't I say you were walking on thin ice, Henderson?" Jim growled as he turned the safety off his gun.

Dustin took a couple of steps back and rolled his eyes, "Yes, you did Chief."

Jim suppressed a growl of annoyance and was about to say something when another howl, this time much closer, sounded in the night. Jim grabbed another gun off the wall and looked at Jonathan, "Can you use this?"

Jonathan blushed and shook his head, "Umm-"

"I can," Nancy said and curtly nodded at Jim.

Jim tossed the gun to Nancy and inhaled, while looking back at Natalie, "everyone grab a weapon and prepare yourselves."

The entire group clumped together grabbing various items that could be used as weapons. Bob took his place next to Natalie and gave her a tight-lipped smile, "out of the frying pan and into the fire, right?" he said quietly and gripped his frying pan.

Natalie nodded, "Very true Bob," she replied and kept her eyes trained on Jim's back.

The howls continued to grow closer and closer, causing Natalie to jump in her seat each time the demo-dogs howled. Then something rammed against the door with a yelp and then there was another one, till all the sounds of the dogs were gone.

The lock on the door jiggled and then it flew off from the wood. Natalie pushed herself back against the wooden chair and cringed. This would be it, for sure.

Then, the most surprising thing happened. She looked up and saw a pair of white converse and worn jeans, then to a black shirt and a small face with slicked-back hair.

It was Eleven.

The group lowered their weapons in shock as they watched her walk in and shut the door behind her.

Mike took a tentative step forward, unshed tears lined his dark brown eyes, "El?"

El looked at him with a small smile, "Mike,"

Then Mike ran towards her and wrapped his arms around her, tears streaming down his pale face.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief and put down their weapons. Natalie and Jonathan walked into the kitchen, heads bent towards each other in conversation. The other kids were standing around Steve blabbering about something and taking turns giving El a hug.

Jim finally walked up to El and pulled her into him. El wrapped her arms around Jim and muttered something into his flannel that caused him to shake his head and kiss the top of her head.

They pulled apart with smiles and Jim pulled Mike aside into another room.

El watched them walk into the room and turned away to walk over to Natalie once the door shut.

"Nat!" She smiled broadly and gave her a right hug.

"El!" Natalie grinned and gave her a tight squeeze, "I see you've got a new look, I like it. Edgy."

El blushed and then her eyes narrowed when she saw Natalie's leg, "what happened?"

"One of the dogs got me, it's okay though." She said through the pain.

El pursed her lips, "friends don't lie," she reminded Natalie softly.

Natalie let out a shaky breath, "okay, honestly it hurts a lot, but don't tell Jim, okay? He's got enough to worry about."

El nodded and gave Natalie an comforting pat on the shoulder just as an angry Mike stormed out of the room followed by Jim. Natalie raised her eyebrow at him, but he shook his head at her. Basically saying to drop it.

The group reassembled and wandered off into the kitchen to discuss plan and left Natalie in charge of Will.

She huffed and craned her neck to try and hear what they were talking about, but they were too far away.

"This blows," she said to herself and Will. Natalie looked down at Will's sleeping figure and brushed some of his dark hair into place, "I can't wait till this is all over for you, Will."

Natalie glanced over her shoulder again to see them still talking and sighed. She shifted in her seat and winced as pain shot up her leg. Natalie looked down at her leg in anger, why did that stupid dog have to bite her?

A large hand softly came to rest on her shoulder causing her to turn around to face Jim.

"What's happening?" She asked him.

He crouched down in front of her and grabbed her hands and his and placed them on her thighs, "you're not going to like this, but it has to happen like this."

She squeezed his hands tightly, "please tell me you're not going to do anything that could get you killed."

Jim's lips twitched up into a sad smile, "El and I are going to go shut the gate."

Natalie released the breath she had been holding, "Jim, you could die down there, isn't there another way? At least let me come with you!"

Jim shook his head, "there's no other way, and you can't come Nat, you can't walk. It's okay you'll be with Will, Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy."

Tears leaked out of her green eyes, "I can't loose you again."

"You won't, I promise," Jim replied seriously.

Smoke -- Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now