Chapter 7

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"OMGHHSS!!! ABBEY!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE SHES HERE HURRY UP!!! And dont forget the smile!" Shouted my aunt banging on my bedroom door. I sighed and walked down the stairs not even concentrating on where i was actually going i ended up in the kitchen holding a bar of Snickers. I opened it about a bite then i remembered.

"Oh yea the door..." I mumbled smiling I swung the door open.

"AHHHH!!! YAYYY a whole weekend with YOU!!" screamed Christina snatching the snickers out of my hands and handing me her luggage.

"Wow you sure got a lot of luggage for just a weekend." i sighed she stared at me and laughed

"Its not 'A' weekend its 'The' weekend!" she corrected heading for my room. I stared at her and laughed as she stumbled across the living room with her pink glossy heels. I dragged her luggage up the stairs being ever so careful not to make a single mark, like the last time there was a mark on her luggage she made me buy her a new one and would not leave our house until i had bought it. I seriously don't want to relive that moment again.


Oh goodie more guests i thought sarcastically. I opened the door open

"MARK!!!" I shouted grabbing him from my aunts hands and hugging him.

" I have been having trouble at work lately,so i need some one to take care of li'l Mark here until i get back on my feet....umm which will be a while I'm in a bit of a busy schedule." mumbled my aunt shying away.

"No problemo! You hear that buddy were gonna have so much fun arent we?"i said tickling him. 

"Come up here!" Snapped Christina getting jealous.

I cuddled Mark one more time and put him down firmly on the couch just incase he fell down. I ignored Christina and went to the kitchen to get skittles. She would come running down once i open the packet anyways.

"Abbey im going out for a bit take charge." said my aunt in her black deinum jacket.

"Wait but yo-" She slammed the door shut with abbey left alone with TWO children..

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