The Plan.

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"Wade open the door, for fuck sake open the door! This isn't funny, we have things to do! Wait until I get my  hands on the lot of you I swear now! You wouldn't like it if we done this to you, stop it now, come on!" That was all that could be heard being shouted and screamed by Mark and Jack while there was rather loud banging and thuds on the walk-in wardrobe door begging for Bob, Wade and Felix to let them out. You see everyone knew that Jack and Mark were meant to be, the fans, close friends and even family all knew and they both had feelings for eachother but yet they just couldn't bring themselves to own up to each other about it. So one day Bob, Felix and Wade being themselves decided to help them along rather forcefully (after months of trying nicely to get them to confess their feelings for eachother). Their great plan was to lock Jack and Mark in the walk-in wardrobe in the hotel room. "Not until you sort this out properly. We have given you months to try and sort this out like adults so now this is the last resort." Wade shouted back trying to hide the frustration in his voice but failing. The frustration built up due to both men being so stubborn about talking and sorting this out maturely. Despite the fact you could tell that they had had enough of their shit, you could hear the three males trying to hold back giggles.
After 5 mins of pleading and getting nowhere, Mark started to try and kick the door down, he knew there would be charges for damage but he knew he could cover those costs. Bob (being the most sensible one of the three remaining males at this specific time) came to realise the best thing to do was walk away and leave Jack and Mark a while. Wade was trying to refuse to leave so it came to the result of Felix (who knew the chances were high that it would have to be just Mark and Jack alone to get anywhere) and Bob dragging him with them downstairs. When both Jack and Mark figured they were alone Jack took a deep breath, he couldn't hold it in anymore and he wasn't prepared to keep getting locked in and getting treated like this by friends when he came to realisation that feelings between the must have been pretty awkwardly obvious. In one big breath he said "Mark if you don't feel the same I will understand but I believe that the feelings are mutual. I love you and I think I pretty much always have, it didn't take me long to fall for you handsome looks, your kindness, your respect, your personality. In summary it didn't take me long to fall for you. You are the one who always keeps me motivated when there is no motivation there. You keep me going when I'm ready to give up and walk away from things. I love you." Mark blushed and had the biggest toothy grin on him that Jack had ever seen and it just automatically caused Jack to chuckle and smile. "Jack I do feel the same way, you are right. When I'm the one feels down or lost or finished, I just think of you and your smile, your laugh. I think of your baby blue eyes and the beautiful coffee bean hair and I find the strength to carry on." Mark replied, being washed in more confidence than ever before. The blush on Marks cheek faded over time and it seemed to travel to Jack's cheeks as they were dusted a pink. Jack held marks hand and Mark held Jack's hand back. Their fingers then intertwining. They both smiled and took a deep breath and cutely asked at the same time "Will you do me the honour of becoming my boyfriend?" When they both realised they had asked the same question at the same time they giggled and kissed, the passion flowing through their bodies. When they both pulled away for air, Mark welled up as the realisation that the man of his dreams was finally his and he engulfed Jack in a massive hug. Jack hugged back even tighter, both young males replied with yes in reply to their question and giggled again at their impeccable timing. Unknown to both the YouTubers, Felix decided to put microphones in the wardrobe knowing there was a great chance they would end up having to leave the men alone to sort things out and so connect them to his phone. By the time Felix informed Bob and Wade of the news and the three of them ran back up to the wardrobe to let Mark and Jack out, they discovered the two lovers in a hot make out session. When inspecting the lovers they had noticed Jack covered in love bites and mark topless. Wade looked up and said "Well I guess you could say at least Jack has been marked now." The fact that Wade emphasised the marked made both Felix and Bob sigh and roll their eyes. The three watchers just decided to close the door back up but obviously kept it unlocked as the mission was cleared. They then left the lovers a note explaining they would be in the bar. Felix, Mark and Bob fist bumped each other and broke into laughter as they walked away to the bar.

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