The Football Match

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A/N (part 1) - Just For This One Shot, Please Imagine That Mark and Jack Live In Bristol (Which Is In England.) Also please just imagine Mark can drink more than he can now. I'll Explain How I Came To Write This And Explain Where The Inspiration For This One Shot Came From At The End.

Mark's POW For This One Shot (One Day I may do a version of Jack's POW)
Me and Jack had been dating for just over two years and it had honestly been the best two years of my life, I wouldn't have changed a single moment of my life even if I could have (even within reason). It was coming up to Christmas 2017 and we had decided that for a change we wanted to go and watch our local football team, Bristol City, play in the quarter final of the Carabao Cup against Manchester United. To be honest I couldn't see Bristol City winning this match but despite thinking that I always remember thinking about what a match it would have been to watch all the same, especially as this was our very first Bristol City match ever. I knew that as long as the evening of Wednesday the 20th of December 2017 went to plan, there was going to be a little surprise for Jack at the end of the night.
I knew that the gates at Ashton Gate (where Bristol City play) were opening at 6pm and I knew that the traffic was going to be chaotic so I always had planned for us to arrive at 5:15pm where we just had to wait to get in but to be honest looking back now, it was one of the best things I could have planned because we were nice and early to the point we were even able to watch the Bristol City team arrive and sign all their fans merchandise. One of the other reasons it was one of my best plans was because we were able to have a couple of drinks before the game.
We have a friend called Victoria who worked at Ashton Gate, (even now she still does :3) she knew me and Jack very well and is and was a very close friend of ours. Even back then she knew the life we led as 'famous'  YouTubers could be very overwhelming at times publicly but she is and was always there for us no matter what. She knew we were going to the match and helped me arrange a V.I.P box for Jack and I, where she would serve us our drinks and be able to watch bits of the game with us. I explained to Vic what my plan was for the end of the night and she agreed to help me out straight away.
In the 51st minute of the match, a Bristol City Player called Joe Bryan scored and the crowds went mental, no one could believe what they had just witnessed, I have to be honest I was so happy for Bristol City as they did go into the game as the underdogs. In the 58th minute, a Manchester United player called Zaltan Ibrahimovic made it 1-1 and it was predicted that Manchester would make a huge come back as that was what they used to do in their games and to be honest even now it's something that they still tend to do in games. The clock was ticking down and it started to look as if it was going to go into extra time when in the 92nd minute, in injury time, Korey Smith took out Manchester United in the closing stages of the game. The final whistle blew and Bristol City had won 2-1. The crowds went bezerk, with life-long devoted fans in tears at what their team had just achieved, no one could begin to comprehend what they had just witnessed, Jack was jumping up and down cheering while hugging Victoria who was ecstatic with joy. Me, Jack and Vic all ran down onto the pitch to celebrate Bristol City's historic win. After 5 minutes of wild celebratations, the tannoy announced that me and Jack were present and the camera's switched into us, there were fans of ours going mad in the crowd in shock that we were there with them and it seemed that no one had noticed the entire time until it was practically exlaimed to them. Jack looked at me and Victoria with confusion as I slowly knelt down onto one knee and grabbed a septic green ring box out of my pocket, the surprise was slowly going into motion, Victoria stepped back to give us room. Jack came to realise what was happening and started to well up, his eyes really looking like the ocean with having ocean blue eyes at the best of times but at that exact moment, having ocean blue watery eyes. My voice cracked but I managed to say while choking on tears, " Sean, for just over two years now you have made my life complete, would you make me the happiest man in the world and agree to become my man forever by marrying me?" The crowd went silent as Jack wiped his eyes and nodded his head frantically, I took out the engagement ring which was engraved with 'Sean, love you always, Mark'. As soon as the crowds saw Jack's response they went back to celebrating again. It was honestly the best day of my life.
Now, tomorrow, a year on from that exact memory, he will be walking down that isle and we will be starting the rest of our lives together officially as wedded partners.

A/N (Part 2)
So you lot, I do live in Bristol, in England and I do work for Ashton Gate (Bristol City, Bristol Rugby and such). This football game did actually take place on Wednesday and it was actually a shock that it went to City as no one was expecting it as Bristol City are in a lower football league than Manchester United. I don't work in the V.I.P boxes and I would never be able to run into the pitch like that  (I work in the public bars and such) but as its my actual work place and such and the fact that the match that took place on Wednesday is an inspiration for this one shot and the fact that this is a fictional story/one shot (albeit, the goals and information on who scored and when the goals were scored are correct.... plus the fact that Wednesday was so important for me being a life-long Bristol City fan myself) I thought why not mix it up and use it with Mark and Jack and have that cute little ending with it. For those who are interested at the time of writing this Bristol City are set to play Manchester City (Manchester United's local rival) on the 22nd of January 2018 in the Semi Final of the cup. Let me know what you thought of the shot below in the comments and if you want to ask any questions or anything then please don't hesitate too!!:)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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