Chapter 1- The Beginning

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**Chapter 1~

 Beep Beep Beep!!! I smacked my alarm... Gosh the sound they make is so annoying! I sighed, got up, and went into my bathroom.... My hair was a disaster.  I turned on my shower and, while I waited for it to warm up, brushed out the tangles in my hair. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body. The hot water woke me up, and I was extremely tired today, because it was the first day of school, and the first day I've gotten up early in the past three months. I got out of the shower, and  into the unwelcoming cold air. I went over to the mirror, plugged in my hair dryer, and dried my hair. Once it was dry, I walked out of the bathroom and was heading towards my closet, when I heard the all too familiar sound of trucks. I went over to the window to see yet another truck full of the new neighbors stuff. The other day, when my mom told me to go "welcome them to the neighborhood", I refused. That will never be their house, it will always be Louis' house.  I turned away and walked over to my closet. I decided on an outfit. It was a pair of black Jean shorts, a blue tank top underneath a hot pink flowy top, and accompanied by a pair of bright blue toms. I looked at the time 6:54am.  Whitney, Lainie, and Lily were coming over before school at about 7:00, something we had been doing since 8th grade. Back before we could drive my older sister Lexi would drive us, but now she was heading to college. I ran into the bathroom to fix my face. I picked up my makeup bag and went to work. Just a little foundation, mascara, and my favorite pineapple lip gloss (gosh I love that stuff).  I heard Lainie walk into my room. "Hey Emma!" I walked out to see my blonde haired blue eyed friend smiling at me. "Someones in a good mood!" I said. Lainie just smiled some more. "Well..." I said, gesturing for her to continue. "It's nothing really, just, I ran into this guy outside and he's GORGEOUS! And then he talked to me for a minute!" "Wait, who's gorgeous? I gotta know these things!" I heard a voice say behind us. We turned and saw Nikki, coming to hear the gossip. We all started talking and laughing. "Emma? Are you ok?" I heard Nikki say. "What?" "You've been acting kind of distant this morning." Lainie added. "I'm just tired, and I'm NOT ready for school to start back up." They seemed satisfied with my answer. I had been thinking about a new neighbor, what if they were mean? What if they were freaks who tried to hang out with us constantly? What if they had pet lizards or something and they got loose and ended up in my cereal? What if.....?

"Gosh! Where is that girl?! We have to go if we want to go to Starbucks.!" I said. "Sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!" Lily said rushing in. "What kept you?" Nikki asked. "Um.. Just family stuff. Cassie was being.... Well... Cassie" "Oh, well it's fine, your not that late. Let's just go now!!" I said. I was pretty sure it wasn't her sister who was the problem, her parents has been going through a pretty bad time. I didnt say anything though, and I wasn't planning on it either, she trusted me. We all headed out to my car. (The girls all lived in my neighborhood so they just walked over.) The top was down on my red convertible, and we all piled in. I drove, Lily rode shotgun, and Lainie and Nikki sat in the back. I turned on the radio. "Hey I just met you, and this is crazy.... But here's my my number so call me maybe!" we were all yelling along to the lyrics, but the hood was down so after that we shut up. We arrived at Starbucks and parked, before going inside. We were the only people in there, besides the freckly guy at the counter and someone alone in the back. We told the guy our order and waited for it to be ready. We got our coffees , then went back out to the car and went on our way, after putting the hood up.

We finally arrived at the school parking lot and got out and I locked it. We headed to the main office, which was full of students waiting for their schedules. The lady at the desk looked flustered. After a while we were finally at the front. We gave our names and got our schedules. "Look! We all have English together!" I said. I also had math with Lainie, music with Nikki, and History with Lily, and THANK GOD we all have lunch together. In gym and Science I was all by myself. I hate gym, yes, I'm an athlete and all, but that class is full of people who know absolutely NOTHING!! As for science, it was going to be, umm, interesting? I'm in the advanced class so it's going to be filled with geeks and 12th graders. FUN! Why can't I be stupid?! It would make life so much easier. 

More Than a Bestfriend~ Louis Tomlinson (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now