Chapter 5~ Surprise!

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The dreaded sound of my alarm clock came before I wanted it to the next morning. I hit the snooze button and started to go back to sleep, just to be rudely awakened again. I hit it again, but actually decided to get up. I slowly trudged into the bathroom and turned the shower on, making it pretty cool, because when I'm this tired, warmth does NOT wake me up. I undressed and hopped into the shower, the cool water making me jump a little at first, but I got used to it, and it woke me up. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked to my closet, picking out jean shorts, a pink and green shirt, and gray TOMS. I changed and then went into my bathroom to dry my hair. It ended up looking like a wavy mess, so I ran my straightener through it, making it presentable. By the time I was done putting my makeup on it was 6:55, I guess I had moved pretty slowly today. I grabbed my bag and walked down stairs to see my mom actually awake. I gave her a hug and told her bye, something I usually didn't get to do in the mornings, and headed out the door towards Nikki's, as it was her turn to take us to school. I walked into her house, without knocking, because I'm just freakin' awesome, and went to her room to see Lily already there, also joined by a happy looking Massie. We talked for a few minutes while waiting for Lainie, of course they only wanted to talk about Harry, Liam, and Niall... My gosh why are girls so obsessed with guys anyway. I'm not obsessed with Louis! Umm, not that I would be or anything, I mean, it was um, just an, yeah. "Hey!" Lainie said loudly, I was pretty used to her loudness, Massie on the other hand was not and fell off the bed. "Geez! Don't do that!" she said laughing at herself. "Let's go to starbucks!" Nikki exclaimed running out the door. I ran behind her in a superhero flying pose, "To starbucks! May the frappe be with you." "What?" Lainie asked, "Like may the force be- nevermind it sounded better when the voices in my head said it..."

Another day of school... How will I go through the whole year?!?! I went into PE and saw Massie, it's crazy how close you can become to someone in just a couple days! We jogged around the gym, me having to slow down to let her catch up every once in a while. After the boring lesson, we went and changed back into our clothes, then separated ways when she went to art and I went to music. The class went by too quickly, because it is actually fun. I stopped at my locker to grab my very heavy math book. I made my way over to math and when I sat down, of course, Lainie wasn't there yet. She tends to show up just before the bell, since she spends all the time she has at her locker talking to Zayn. She finally walked in and sat down next to me, "Hey!" she said happily. "Hey!" I said back. The lesson started and Lainie was quiet, something that rarely happened, something's up....

*Lainie's point of view (at her locker before math)

I was just waiting at my locker, taking books out and putting them back in so it looks like I'm doing something when somebody walks by. "Vas Happenin?" I heard Zayn say behind me, I turned around about to respond, when I saw Louis standing with him. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Well I am forced to go to school, and since this is the closest I came here." he said like he was explaining something to a baby. "Well thanks I would have never known..." I said sarcastically. I turned back to my locker, since I had never actually gotten the huge math book I needed. Zayn and Louis were comparing schedules next to me and I peeked over their shoulders to see that Louis had science last. I smiled mischievously, Louis and Emma were in for a surprise at the end of the day. I texted the others, telling them not to tell them. I said my goodbyes and rushed off to math, and made it just in time. For the rest of the lesson I didn't talk much, since I didn't want to let something slip.

*Nikki's point of view

I was basically running to history, full of excitement. When I got to the door I calmed myself and walked in coolly, taking a seat next to Harry, who was flipping his hair trying to fix it. I couldn't help but laugh at him, his hair was a mess and always is a mess, yet it looks awesome, I mean yeah it uh looks good.. "did you guys hear from Lainie this morning?" Liam asked unsure if he should say anything, "Yeah," Harry said, "Well of course I did!" I said to him, Lainie tells me everything. I wish I was in that class and could see their reactions... In class, we just got on our laptops and googled the middle east. This class really is not much work, and I think the teacher is like part deaf or something because she never gets mad about people talking, so I take advantage of the situation and talk to Liam and Harry, they told me that they, Niall, and Zayn all live not to far from my neighborhood. Of course basically everyone lived close to our neighborhood since the town was pretty small. When the lesson was over, we all went to the cafeteria, happily awaiting our food.

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