Chapter 2- Meeting

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Beep! Beep! Be- Oh Joy! Another day of school. Was it really only the second day? I groaned and then got up and walked over to my closet, i threw on a blue and redflowery shirt with dark blue jean shorts and red flats. I walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, hmm, not too terrible today. After I has washed my face and brushed my teeth, I heated up my straightener and ran it through my hair,then applied a little makeup and walked out into my bedroom. I decided to touch up my nails, since I had time, each nail was a different color, like usual. After letting them dry, it was finally 6:55, so I walked downstairs grabbed my bag and went out the door. I walked down the stairs and turned left toward Lily's, and made my way down the street, when my bag slipped and fell open. Just my luck. I bent down and started to pick up the fallen books, when someone else’s hand started to pick them up for me. I looked up and saw... him.

"L-Lou?" I stuttered, just as he said, "Emma?" We stared at eachother for a second before a huge smile set across his face. We stood up, forgetting about the books. "I can't believe its you! I was hoping to see you-" "How- What- When-" I was trying to figure out the right question to ask. "Are you going to finish those questions? Anyway, I got here last night-" he was cut off again, but this time it was by my phone. "Sorry," I muttered, pulling my phone out, It was Lainie, "Lily's mom made pancakes. I'm just telling you that if you don't get over here now, they will be gone. None for you." she said to me. That was not something I would let happen. "Ok Ok, I'll be there in a sec." I told her quickly and hung up. "Louis I have to go, I'm sorry but-" "I'll see you later then?" he asked "Of course!" i said, before rushing over to Lily's house. I walked in the door to find Lainie staring at me. "So who was that?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows at me. "I don't know what you are talking about!" "Emma, I'm not blind," she said, trying to convince me to tell her. "Wow! I am starving!" I said quickly, before into the dining room completely avoiding her question. I sat down in front of a plate pancakes. We were all eating when Nikkis phone went off. "Who's that?" I asked, "Nobody!" she said way too quickly, "I mean, uhh, my mom." "Your mom," Lily said raising my eyebrows at her, "Knows how to text?" "And is making you blush?" Lainie added. "Is there something about your relationship with your mother we don't know about?" I said fake freaked out. Lainie and Lily laughed, before Lainie took Nikki’s phone and read aloud "Hahaha, I gotta go, see u later (; - Haz” she paused, “Hmmm. Well I was hoping for a little more detail but it’s okay, we will find out" she was smiling at Whitney. "Well hun, I do believe someone HAZ caught your eye!! See what I did there." Lainie groaned at my terrible joke but Lily giggled. "That one was really bad!" she said through her laughter. "I’m hurt!" I fake cried. "Oh, don't worry Nik, we're only messing with you! But we would like to know who he is." Lainie told her, "He’s just some guy in history with me, I was in his group yesterday and we needed each other’s numbers for our project and we ended up texting, that’s all" For now... I thought to myself.

No PE for me today! Yay! But I had health, which is actually worse. It’s a lose-lose situation. By the time the class ended, I was almost asleep, but when the bell rang I hopped up and walked down to music eagerly. I sat in a chair in the back waiting for Nikki, who, when she walked in saw me and rushed over and sat down. "Ugh!" "Well hello to you to!" I said. "Sorry, but guess who is in my PE class?" she asked, clearly irritated. "Who?” I asked, already thinking I knew the answer."Cindi!" she said with a fake smile on her face. “I can't even believe we were friends with her." I said angrily. Cindi had completely misused our friendship, and we were all pretty hurt by what she did. "At least I have Lily and Lainie with me, there is no way I could be alone with her." Nikki added.

*Lainie's Point of view

I walked off to art with Lily after PE. Cindi, how do I even begin to describe how much I want to punch her in the face, and now I have to be in PE with her?! The worst part is that she knows a lot about us, and can use it against us. Today in art we didn't really have an assignment, just to draw, which made me glad, drawing really calms me down; it lets me show my emotions. After a very good lesson, I quickly skipped over to my locker to see Zayn, who was already at his locker waiting, "Hey" he said, “Hi!" "Vas Happenin'?" I just loved the way he said that. "Oh you know, school." did I really just say school? That's it, just school. I'm a loser. "Really?! I had no idea!" he said sarcastically. We talked for a minute, just about some random stuff, when suddenly our conversation was cut short by the sound of, of course, the bell ringing. We jumped and said goodbye quickly. I walked down the hall as fast as I could, but realized I was already late, so why hurry? I think he jinxed this. Yesterday he said if we didn't stop talking, we would be late. Maybe he can read the future?! Or maybe he's a vampire! Okay, nevermind, unreasonable. Twilight fangirl moment.

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