Chapter 4~ The Beach

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The next morning I woke up to the quiet sound of my sleeping friends. I was the first one up. I liked being the first one up because then you aren't last and feel like you've missed out while everyone was awake. I looked at my clock and jumped up, "Guys!" I yell, shaking them. "Wake Up!" I heard someone groan. "Since when are YOU a morning person?" Lainie asked tiredly. I don't like mornings, it takes me forever to wake up, unless something is urgent. "Since it's 10:45 and the guys are coming at 12!" I said running around. Over an hour may seem like a lot of time to get ready, but not when four girls are all trying to get ready in one bathroom. Especially when 3 of them are trying to be all flirty. The others, realizing how little time we actually had shot out of bed and were going through their bags looking for their make-up, and clothes, and hair stuff, and whatever. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and then my hair. Then Lainie came in to brush her teeth, then Lily and Nikki, making it very crowded. I walked out of the bathroom and to my closet,  and went through my clothes searching for something to wear. I decided on my white bikini with rainbow stripes, underneath blue soffee shorts and a green and blue loose tank top. I had changed in my closet, and when I walked out I saw Nikki and Lainie sitting on my bed. Lainie was already dressed, in her simple, yet very pretty blue bikini, underneath a graphic tee, and, like me, was wearing soffee shorts. Nikki took the opportunity to also go change in my closet, while Lily was in the bathroom. I went over to the mirror and french fish-tail braided my hair to the side, yeah, I'm skilled.  I heard the doorbell ring and I walked down the stairs and let Massie in. Underneath her t-shirt I could see a purple and green swimsuit. We went back to my room to see that Lily and Nikki had finished changing. Lily into her pink and white polka dot bikini, and Nikki into her bright yellow one.

By the time everyone was completely ready it was 11:45. We were all really hoping that the guys had not eaten lunch yet, because we needed some food. When we heard a car outside we ran down the stairs excitedly, but when we opened the door we acted calm as can be. The boys were outside waiting for us. "Hey! You ready?" Louis yelled excitedly. "Ummm... Can we get some food? Please?" Massie said. To add to the question, Nikki's stomach growled very loudly. The boys laughed, "Yeah! Of course! Food is great!" Niall said happily. We got in my car and followed them to wherever we were eating. We parked in front of the little town cafe and went in and sat down in a large circular booth. The girls on one side and the boys on the other. Zayn and Lainie in the middle. There wasn't very much room in the booth, so we were all very close to each other, I'm sure they just hated that, (note the sarcasm). Louis was whispering to Harry and smiling, I wonder what they were talking about.. Then some girl came over to take our orders, she seemed very... flirty with the guys.... and Louis, and he just smiled back at, not that I even noticed or cared or anything, he was just my friend that's all, he can do what he wants.

When we got to beach, we opened the trunk and got our bags out. We all headed onto the very crowded beach and walked down for awhile to find a spot. We laid our stuff down and took our clothes off so we were in our swimsuits, and the guys took off their shirts, nothing to complain about. "Well are we going to go the water or not?" Louis said smiling impatiently. Before I could answer, he grabbed my hand and was pulling me towards the ocean. The others hurriedly followed us. We  were all about waist deep in the ocean, Zayn had looked a little uneasy about being in the water at first, but he seemed to relax. We were all just splashing each other and dancing around like freaks. "SUPERMAAAAAN!" Louis screamed, jumping into the water. People were giving us weird looks, but we didn't care, let them say what they want.

We had all gotten into a huge splash fight, and the guys were squealing like little girls. The girls and I started laughing when the guys started tackling eachother. Boys can be so competitive sometimes. They turned and saw us laughing and had mischevious looks in their eyes. Uh Oh. They decided not to leave us out of the fun, aren't they polite? They were throwing us in the water over and over, it really wasn't fair. We were trying, and failing, to fight back. I pushed Louis, "I'm too young to die! And to handsome..." Louis yelled very dramatically and then falling into the water. I felt proud of myself, although it was obvious he was faking. I felt something grab my ankle and I yelled before losing my balance and falling. I came back up and then stood, to see Louis standing in front of me smiling innocently at me. How on earth can I be mad at that? I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. Then I realized that we were standing very close to eachother, I suddenly splashed him and ran away. 

Before we knew it the sun was starting to get lower in the sky. We made our way back up to our stuff, sat on our towels, and started eating the food we brought, I hadn't realized how hungry I was. We were all just sitting and eating, chatting away, still getting to know eachother. I can't believe we only met a couple days ago! Except Louis and I of course, we still aren't as close as before, but it's getting there. The sun was going down so we figured we should leave. We got our stuff up and headed towards our cars and said our goodbyes. 

We walked into my room, and the Lily, Lainie, and Nikki started to pack up their stuff from earlier, next time we have a sleepover Massie will definitely be invited, but I have to get more food before she comes over. I waved as the girls walked home, except for Massie, who had driven here, she didn't live on our street, but she was still only like 5 minutes away. I walked back into my house and sighed, I always hated to see my friends leave, especially when there is nobody else home. I went into my room and cleaned up our floor bed, and went into my bathroom and took a shower, rinsing the ocean off of my body. I got and wrapped a towel around me, and turned on my blow dryer. When my hair was completely dry, I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, and fell into bed and went to sleep.

The next morning I opened my eyes to sunshine flooding my room. I didn't have anything to do so I took my time getting out of bed. I slowly sat up and stretched, then went over to my bathroom and brushed out my hair, and then brushed my teeth. I walked over to my window and opened it, feeling a slight breeze drift into my room. I looked out and saw Louis asleep on  his bed, his hair sticking up in all directions. Awww, he's so cute... I mean, um, in a friendly way of course. I went down stairs and made waffles, the frozen kind, I can't cook, at all. I headed back up to my room and put my ipod on the speaker and, being alone in the house, turned it on very very loud. I was dancing around the room like a weirdo to Hot N Cold, when I heard laughing. Fluff. I turned the speaker down and looked out my very open window to see, of course, Louis laughing his head off at me. I was blushing really badly. Ok, I'm really bad at dancing but whatever. I glared at him before bursting out laughing myself.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, I didn't do much, danced around some more, with a CLOSED window, ate, and watched stupid youtube videos. I have a very interesting life. Mom and Lexi came home at about 6 and talked about how great the college was and stuff, then, mom went to make dinner, and Lexi went upstairs to her room, like always. I walked into the kitchen to see mom putting fish in the oven. "So... What did you do all weekend? Have any wild parties?" she asked me curiously. "Well, after school Friday Lainie, Lily, and Nikki all came over, and then um, we went... next door..." "Next door? Like to the new neighbors we don't know?! What were you-" "Mom! It's ok, its Louis!" She sighed with relief, "Oh, well ok, good." she said seeming surprised. She paused, "Was HE having a party?" "No, mom...." Oh my gosh she is such a mom sometimes, "He had a couple of his friends over too, but we already knew them from school, but anyway, then yesterday we went to the beach." I told her. "Well I'm glad you had fun!" she said.

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