Chapter 6~ The Party

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The next morning I awoke a little later than I had expected, I guess I had hit snooze a couple extra times without realizing it. I sprung out of bed and got ready as fast as possible. Thankfully, my hair didn't need to be straightened today, the waves in it looked good for once. I had finished just in time, and walked out of the house heading towards Lainie's house, on my way there I saw Louis and waved to him, but I kept walking, so I wouldn't be late. I walked into her house and headed up the stairs towards her room, to see Nikki sitting on the bed, while Lainie was looking in the mirror fixing her makeup, wearing only one shoe. I went and joined Nikki on the bed, "Looks like I'm not the only one running late today..." I said, just as Lily walked in, joined by Massie. Lily had french braided her short hair, which she only did on a bad hair day, but it looked good on her. After a few minutes, we headed out to the car I called shotgun, but apparently, that means nothing to Lily who ran over and sat in the seat anyway. So I got in the back, sitting right behind Lily, so I could kick her chair. We stopped at Starbucks and grabbed coffees and then went on our way to school. Lily turned on the radio, and Boyfriend by Justin Bieber was playing, she tried to change it but Lainie smacked her hand, Lily was no fan, but the rest of us were closet Beliebers, not freaks, but we liked him. We got out of the car to see Niall, "Were you listening to Justin Bieber?!" he asked excitedly, "Psh, what? Justin bieber? No." I said very unconvincingly. "Justin is awesome.." Niall said proudly. Awww a guy belieber.

"Do you think vegetarians eat animal crackers?" I asked suddenly when there was silence at our lunch table. They laughed, "How can anyone even be a vegetarian?" Niall asked looking disgusted, "I mean they wouldn't be able to eat like anything at Nandos!!!" he added. According to the boys, Niall has an obsession with Nandos. "Do you guys-" Harry started, but was cut off, by Claire, one of the most popular people in the school, but she wasn't stuck up she was actually nice when she wasn't around the other populars. "Hey! Here you go!" she said handing us all envelopes and just walking off. We all stared at the envelopes, then eachother, and ripped them open. It was an invite to her birthday party. Everyone said they were going to try and go, except for Liam, who was looking at the invite carefully, "I don't know guys, parties can get crazy and..." I stopped listening, I love Liam like a brother, but sometimes he should learn to live a little. "Aw come on Liam, pwease?" Harry said, using puppydog eyes, everyone joined in. "It won't be fun without you!"he added.  "I-" he looked at Lily quickly, who was also begging, before saying, "Fine, I guess it will be fine.." "Yay!"


"It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!!!" I sang loudly, dancing into Lily's room Friday morning. We had decided that we were going to spend the night at Lily's, since her parents were the only ones that would let everyone stay, since they have a basement we can stay in, so we won't bother them. Then, tomorrow we'll get ready for the party together. But first, we have to go to school. When we walked in, we went to our lockers, Lainie moving a little faster than the rest of us. My locker was a disaster, since I have some time before class I guess I'll clean it... Or I could wait until Monday... Yeah, that'll work. I left my locker and decided to go to PE. I went into the locker room and went to a stall and changed. I went and sat on a bench to put my pink tennis shoes on over my mismatched socks. We did our stretches and ran around the gym, before playing a lovely game of Frisbee, note the sarcasm. When I went to music, the teacher Mrs. Donna, seemed to be in a good mood. She let us do matching games the whole lesson.

Nikki's point of view

After a fun music class, I went to my locker and grabbed my things as quickly as I could. I walked to the history class room, and sat in my usual seat with Harry and Liam, "Hey curly!" I said, to Harry, who flipped his hair to add to the moment. "Hey! How come he gets a greeting, AND a nickname and I get nothing?!" Liam said, acting hurt. "I'm sorry Biebs, I was saving the best for last!" I said winking. "On second thought, I don't need a nickname." he said quietly. I laughed to myself. "So, you excited for tonight?" Harry asked me. "Well of course!" "Ms. Live." I heard the teacher say, Uh Oh... "Umm yeah?" I answered, "What is the answer." "Yes, no, Africa? I'm sorry I uh must have spaced out." Since when did we actually do anything in class?! After that I didn't talk much, since I didn't want to risk getting in trouble. I'm not a goody goody, I just don't want to get in trouble, nothing wrong with that! I walked out of the room and the three of us went to lunch, talking about how awful Mrs. Allen was. We went and sat down at our still empty table, and waited for the others. Lily showed up first, then Massie, then Emma and Lainie, and finally Niall, who had a tray overflowing with food.

Lainie's point of view

English consisted of Mrs. Neill giving Alec a belt, since he refuses to pull his pants up, and learning absolutely pointless vocabulary. I walked out of the classroom, and made my way to my locker. Zayn was waiting there for me. "Hey!" he said cooly. "Hi!" I said, a little less cooly. "You guys are going to Claires tonight right?" he asked, "No, we've decided to move to Canada!" I said sarcastically, I mean, if I didn't go to the party, I really would have to move to Canada. "Sorry! Just making sure bebz..." he said, I blushed a little, not that there was a reason to, he called everyone bebz I bet. We talked for a little longer before I realized I had to be all the way across the school to the science room in two minutes. I said bye and rushed off towards the class. The bell rang and I still wasn't there. Crap! I opened the door slowly, trying to be quiet, but of course, it squeaked, and everyone turned to look at me. The teacher gave me a look, but told me to just sit down. Thank goodness. I went and sat next to Nikki.

Emma's point of view

I walked into Science class at the end of the day, and had completely forgotten that Louis was in my class until I sat down and he walked in. "Hey there goodlooking!" I said winking. He smiled before saying, "Hey there sexy!" We talked a little bit before the lesson, then Mr. Burner came in and everyone shut up. He wasn't a bad teacher, I actually liked him, he tried to joke around with everyone, not that he was actually funny, but it's the thought that counts.  Louis and I walked out, then we parted ways as we went to our lockers. I walked out of the school, feeling raindrops on my face. I covered my face so my makeup wouldn't become a disaster. Being a girl in the rain is hard okay! I found the car and luckily Lily was already there and had unlocked the doors. I hopped in the front and then Lily decided to drive up to the front so the others wouldn't get wet and mess up her car. She could've driven to the front for me! But oh well... Everyone showed up and we drove off to Lily's.

The next morning, well, morning to us, it was actually a little past noon, we went downstairs. Lily's parents were making BLT's for lunch, so we happily ate them. We went back upstairs to go through the many many possibilities of what to wear. We had each picked out like 15 outfits. Should we go casual, or dressy, or both? Lainie had chosen a pink dress with a black belt,  Nikki was wearing a black and purple romper, Massie wore a green knee length dress, Lily wore a light purple bubble dress, and I wore a blue dress with a black jacket and booties. We wore our hair normal, since we were dressed up.

Nikki's point of view

We stood outside the house and just decided to walk in. It wasn't some wild teenage party, but it wasn't the traditional birthday party either. I had to go to the bathroom so I walked away from the others and was just walking when I saw Cindi. How is she even popular? Better question, how was I friends with her? Then I saw who she was with, Harry. She has a boyfriend, they are the power couple of the school, why is she with Harry? She wasn't just talking to him, no, totally flirting her fat arse off. I went back to the girls "Guess who's here?" I said in a fake cheery voice. "Who?" they all asked, as if they already knew the answer. "Cindi." I said "And she's over there flirting with Harry." I added angrily. "Well let her make an ace of herself when Harry rejects her." Emma said. "But what if he doesn't?" I said quietly. We then walked around and looked for the rest of the guys, who were standing by the window. "There you are!" Massie said when we found them. "Hey!" Niall said quickly. After a while Harry came back over, as if nothing had happened. Maybe he did reject her! We decided to go be freaks and dance around like idiots.

Lainie's point of view

Liam and I were watching Zayn dance. He is really bad at dancing! I'm like hyperventilating laughing! He frowned at me laughing at him, so I tried to control myself. "I guess my dance lessons haven't been helping him at all." Liam said shaking his head. I giggled some more, the girls were also dancing, not well. Emma and Lily were doing some weird volleyball interpretive dance, while Massie and Nikki were being ballerinas. After the party, we all made our way back to Lily's, and since it was late, we just decided to stay the night again after checking with our parents. We were all tired and changed into our pajamas and completely crashed in the basement.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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