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      Taehyung opened his eyes gently, and he found himself in an unfamiliar place. He lay on a soft patch of grass, tall trees towering over him. In the distance, he hears what could possibly be a waterfall, and birds chirping.

Hastily, he stood up and cautiously made his way through a small opening between some trees.

This place seemed perfect.

Too perfect.

      Once he made his way through the trees, he froze at the sight of a boy.

The boy.

      But the boy looked different. He didn't have any cuts on him, he didn't have a cord wrapped around his neck or a knife in his hand, and he didn't seem so far away. In fact, Taehyung could easily walk up to him and grab his hand.

And he did.

Well, he did more than that.

      Tears sprung into his eyes as he ran towards the boy and tackled him with a hug. The boy seemed so familiar.

And the boy hugged back, a smile plastered on his glowing face.

      At this point, Taehyung didn't even care where he was. He didn't care if the world stopped spinning or if the earth beneath them caved in. He didn't know why he felt this way, he just felt a happiness that couldn't be destroyed.

The two stopped hugging and stood up, but their fingers remained laced together. Though, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows as the smile on the boy's face began to fade away.

And not only did the smile fade away, but the world around them began to fade away, too.

It began to fade back into the darkness it had been so long ago.

And soon, Taehyung realized what was happening. He realized that in a few seconds, the boy would begin to fade away, as well. And with this in mind, Taehyung pulled the boy into a tight embrace; so tight it would seem almost impossible to be able to let go.

And they stayed that way as the beautiful world around them fell apart.

He could feel the boy start to disappear, start to fade away with all the beauty. No matter how tightly he held on to him, he could feel him slipping away. And he couldn't do anything about it.

And after trying to hold on for so long, he grew tired.

And his embrace weakened.

And in the blink of an eye, he was back in the dark world. He was back to the cold atmosphere and the hard terrain. Back to the echoing silence and isolation.

And the boy was nowhere to be heard or seen.

Taehyung woke up abruptly, the sound of rough knocking coming from the outside of his bedroom door. He rubbed his eyes and sat up as the door flew open, revealing his mother looking panicked and frantic.

"What's wrong-"

"Come quick! Hoseok's mother called, we have to hurry!"

Taehyung practically fell out of bed as his heart started pounding. He followed his mother downstairs and out to the driveway. It was dark outside, and when he got into the car, the radio-clock read 12:12AM.

The car pulled out of the driveway and sped all throughout the neighborhood and the town. The sound of rain began to crescendo outside of the windows, and Taehyung's heart was beating so fast he thought he might throw up.

He knew what was about to happen, and he knew it would be the most terrible thing. But he knew Hoseok needed him, so he told his mother to drive faster.

Holding On To You | k.th + j.hsWhere stories live. Discover now