Hot Stuff (Steve x Reader) - Part 2

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| This story gets the good Captain's LANGUAGE warning.|

I do not own these characters (I just write them as a way to love them and care for them).

Sam's eyes flickered over to the magazine laying on the bed and then back out the window. He let out a sigh like he was about to say something he didn't want to have to say. "So how long have you had feelings for him?"

I stopped chewing and stared at him. "What?"

He gave me the 'get real' look. "Come on, Y/N."

"Uh, I... I guess it's been awhile," I confessed.

"I could tell that reporter fishing around last night bothered you," he said, keeping his gaze focused outside. "She wants to get her hands on him."

"She sure does."

"So why does that bother you?"

I couldn't find the words, my mouth went silent. "I... guess it shouldn't," I sighed. "I haven't told him how I feel and there's obvious reasons why I shouldn't."

"Sure because I can't see Pepper loving that," he gave a little chuckle.

"Why would Pepper care?" I asked, my forehead wrinkled.

"Woman, what is with you? Of course she'd— Oh.... wait. Are we talking about Tony?"

My nostrils flared and my eyes widened. "What?! No!"

Sam slapped his hand over his chest. "THANK GOD." He turned towards me and his face softened. "So who are we talking about here then? Are we talking about... Steve?" He was putting the pieces together as he spoke.

I looked away from him and nodded as a tear rolled down my cheek. I squeezed my eyes closed to make the whole thing go away.

"I'm sorry," Sam said nervously as he glanced out the window and got up to sit next to me on the couch. "What did I say? I'm sorry..." he said as he wrapped his arms around me.

My face buried into his shoulder, I said, "You didn't do anything, I'm already upset about it."

"Wait, why can't you be with Steve? Do you think that Sadie girl is after him?"

"Because he's... he's the Captain, Sam. And we're friends. If I tell him my feelings, I may ruin our relationship. He doesn't feel that way about me. And yes, I think she's after him."

Sam laughed, " I thought she was after Tony."

"Oh," I said, and then I started laughing, "Why would you think I like Tony, by the way??"

Sam pulled back to look at me, he was chuckling now, his shoulders shook. "You keep carrying that stupid magazine around with Tony on the cover."

I laughed so hard, "What am I? —Like 12? I have a crush on Tony and I carry his picture around?? I just keep getting interrupted and haven't been able to read it yet."

Sam shook his head. "I'm sorry! That was ridiculous for me to think. I guess I thought last night you were upset when she asked where Tony was."

"No, I was trying to keep it together about Steve," I said, it came out kind of sad. I'm not looking for sympathy here. And it certainly wasn't my intention to tell one of Steve's closest friends about this.

"I won't say anything," he looked at me seriously. "But are you sure he'd react badly to this? I think you two would be great together. Now that I think of it, this should have happened a long time ago."

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