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"Alex wake up" I heard someone say. They kept shoving me back and forth. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock it was only 10 in the morning. "Ugh it's only ten leave me alone" I grumbled. I had no clue who was waking me but I didn't care. It was to early for this.

"Alex is freaking Me" Jonah said.
I sat up super quickly and saw Jonah with just a pair of adidas pants on. No shirt just pants. My eyes immediately went to his abdominals. Then I quickly broke the look before he would notice.

"Did you spend the night?" I asked. I rubbed my eyes and I had rang nasty morning breath. "Yea is that ok?" He asked. He seemed super concerned. Jonah wasn't the type of person to lie to me so I know nothing happened. I knew Jonah to tell he never lied.

"Yea" i rubbed my neck. He stood up and grabbed his sweatshirt. He slipped it on making me kinda upset. But oh well I mean I would see him shirtless again. He wasn't super muscular only because he was super skinny. But luckily he was tall because I was tall.

I got out of bed and had my clothes on from last night. I went to the bathroom and changed into jeans and a tee shirt. I fixed my hair and makeup. I sprayed perfume on myself then went back to jonah.

"Thank you for last night" I said. "Oh no problem I mean I owe you for not being there for 3, 4 years of your life". I quickly went over to him and sat on his lap and hugged him.

"Jonah I told you I was fine I mean I did miss you and I lost my best friend but everything is better now, more then better" I said. I hugged him tight. "You mean it?" He questioned. "Jonah your my best friend I mean it". He smiled and pulled out his phone. He scrolled through his texts and looked up at me.

"The boys need me back in a few minutes but maybe we could do something later?" He asked. "Sure like what?" I questioned. "Hmm well I have a serious question" he said. I looked him in the face and stared at his eyes. "Tell me jo" I seriously ordered Jonah to do.

"Well" he walked closer to me. I looked him right in the eye. I smiled at how serious he was. Most of the time when he got serious he was joking so whatever he was going to say it was a joke with that look.

"Jonah what is it?" I questioned. He laughed and bit his lip. He smiled and looked down. When he bit his lip he was getting serious. That's how you know Jonah is serious about something or nervous.

"Well I wanted to know if maybe you would wanna go on a uh.. on a date? Tonight?" He asked. He quickly rubbed his neck making me think this was actually real. He seemed nervous and real about it. I thought long and hard about if I should. I mean I think i like Jonah I just didn't know if it's what I wanted. What if our friendship got
Ruined. What if we never talk again. What if we actually date.

"Jonah I uh..." I started to respond. "Please" he begged. he stared into my eyes with hope. Giving me his cute boy charm. Then I thought about this is what I have wanted. Maybe even for a long time. It seemed like it meant a lot to him and if he was only going to stay for a little I needed to make the most of the day.

"Ok sure" i responded. I saw a sudden relief in his face. He smiled big and checked his phone. "Well is it ok if I get you at 7:00 or is that to late?" He asked. "Nope that's perfect see you then, and what should I wear?" I asked.

"I don't know just get casual but nice" he said. He stood up and walked towards the door. "I will see you later?" He asked. "Sure" I smiled. He smiled back and closed my door halfway  I kicked back on to my bed and did a little happy dance. "I saw that" he laughed. "Oh lord". "Don't worry I be doing the same thing" he yelled. I laughed and went back into my bed. God was I excited. But nervous.

Always~Jonah Marias Where stories live. Discover now