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Today was the day of the something different concert. I was going to surprise Jonah. We had been talking a little since he left but it had been very short since he was busy. Did I miss him. A lot. Did I want him to stay. Yes. Maybe he could? It was the last day of the tour so maybe they could stay for a little?

Today I was the most excited ever. I put on ripped jeans and a why don't we tee shirt. I threw on vans and waited all day. Me and Rachel were going because she wanted to see Rachel. And I knew he would want to see her.

I was on my way to go pick up Rachel when I heard something different on the radio. It made me think of Jonah immediately. I started singing along thinking of how happy I would be to see him.

I got to Rachel's house and she got in the car and of course she wore here Daniel 1/5 shirt. She plugged in her phone and started playing her music. I of course had to sing along and it made me happy as heck.

We pulled up to the venue and we were nervous honestly. We hoped the surprise would work. I haven't told anyone not even corbyn because Jonah wasn't the only one getting surprised.

We walked out of the car and into the line to get in. After waiting for a few minutes they finally took our tickets and we walked into the venue. Since we didn't have limelight tickets we couldn't hang with them but that would ruin the surprise. We got into the venue and waited as the boys were back stage getting ready. Even though we couldn't see them I could feel Jonah in the same area as me.

The show started with air of the night and they blacked out the whole stage for the beginning. First corbyn walked out. I wanted him to see me. He started with "there's a light when, you walking in the room..." looking into the audience. I was hoping he would notice me and by the end of his lyrics he linked eyes with me. I smiled and waved and he made a small wave and bowed his head down fallowing the dance choreography. I could see him smile as his head was down. Then Daniel came out and he quickly saw Rachel as he scanned the audience. He smiled and kept singing and looking over at rachel. She was so happy and so was he.

Then my little brother zach came out. Everyone started screaming for him. He saw me and Rachel and smiled and you could head a little laugh when he was singing making me laugh.

Then Jonah came. I looked right at him but he didn't see me. Maybe by the end he would see me. Seeing him again made me extremely happy and made me realize how much I missed him. A lot.

Then jack came and he saw Rachel first them looked next and saw me and almost waved. They did there little dance and by the end they finished. They introduced themselves and as zach was telling everyone about there show corbyn nudged Jonah and made a small gesture towards me. Jonah looked out and saw me. The look on his face was priceless. He had the biggest smile ever and made a tiny wave as I did back. I waved to corbyn and he waved back.

They preformed a couple other songs that me and Rachel sung out hearts out to. Then they sung these girls. That was one of my favorites. Everyone was going crazy and singing along as they did a little dance along with it and as me and Jonah exchanged looks to each other. Then after the song ended Jonah stepped forward. "This song is dedicated to my best friend who made me a better person, I wanted to let her know anywhere I go I'm taking her now and never leaving her again" he said. I put my hands over my mouth and smiled trying not to Cry. Rachel looked at me and hugged me as her and Daniel exchanged looks again. They all got in there spots for the dance and started singing. The whole time Jonah was glaring at me as I tried not to cry.

By the end they all pointed into the audience and thanked everyone for coming out. Me and Rachel were going to wait for them but we didn't know how to. We waited till everyone cleared the auditorium then we snuck back in to see the boys taking off there equipment. The minute Jonah saw me he jumped off the stage and ran towards me. I had my arms out for a hug as he squeezed me tight. "It's only been a few months and I miss you" He said. I nodded my head in the hug and glared up at corbyn to come over here. He jumped off along with the other boys to come see me and Rachel. When Daniel came towards Rachel she waved and then leaned in to kiss her. Everyone was saying "oooo" while me and Jonah just laughed.

"BFF?" Corbyn asked. I ran over and hugged him. "I missed you so much" I said. "Same it's hard when your best friend lives hundreds of miles away" he said. "Well I mean my brother doesn't live with us and my mom doesn't care so maybe could you guys stay for a little?" I begged. The boys exchanged looks with one another making me nervous. "Of course but you know my mom doesn't mind us staying at her house" Jonah said. "I don't care just but please stay" I begged. "Of course" they all said and came in for a tight group hug. We all left the venue and the boys tour bus was going to bring them over later. Me and Rachel got in the car and had a little party. We couldn't have been any more happy.

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