Chapter 13

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I woke up to a loud Boom! that I heard from above me. Throwing the blankets off of my body, I hobbled to the door with my new "boot" that Enzo had fixed on to my injured foot. I let out a curse as I attempted to open the door, only to be burned in return. Why was the knob scolding hot?

Walking back to the bed, I picked up a pillow, and used it as a barrier to the crazy amount of heat that was being emitted by the door. I gasped when I saw what was going on.

Flames. Everywhere. They engulfed the building in sporatic sections. The air was getting tight, and I could barely breathe. Well, this wasn't good for my breathing problems.

Heeding what they taught us in Primary School, I crouched to the floor and began to crawl. I pushed past the thickening smoke, trying to feel my way out of the building. Then, I heard footsteps.

I looked up, but due to the smoke, all I could decipher was a pair of boots.

"Where is she!?"

"I swear I don't know, I only-"

"Shoot her!"

"No please, I-"


"Don't argue with me boy! SHOOT HER!"

The gun went off. Silence followed.

"That should put some fear in them. And the next time you question me'll end up like Maryse here. Keep looking. We're not leaving this place until either Nadlynn is found, or this Hotel is burned down."

"Yes sir."

As soon as I couldn't hear footsteps, I felt my way around the area, looking for Maryse. She had to be close by.



I followed the sound of her raspy voice, until my hands fell upon something wet. It was blood.

"My God..."

I could make out Maryse's still form through the smoke. Her plain white dress was soaked with her own blood. I cringed...


She grabbed my hand.

"Nadlynn get...out...they're looking for you..."

"I won't just leave you here!"

"I'm gunna die anyway. Just...go. B-Before the...hotel...collapses."

I wiped away my tears.

"Maryse...I'm sorry for being mean to you...and for punching you. I-"

"Ugh, quit the bitching and moaning. Just ...go."

"I won't leave you here, Maryse."

I started to cough as the smoke was getting to me, even though I was no more than an inch from the ground.

"We're getting out of here, Maryse. C'Mon. Can you...crawl?"

"I...I think so."

We began crawling, with me leading the way, through the desinigrating hotel.  I cursed and hissed as I would occasionally come in contact with something incredibly hot, but I didn't let that stop me. It was literally life or death.

"Someone's coming, Captain!"

"Find them!"


Their voices were so close...We couldn't possibly escape fast enough.

I turned around to ask Maryse what to do, but no one was there. Was it the smoke?

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