Chapter 11

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AN: So usually I hate writing these, but I wanted to explain why I haven't updated in forever.

One word: School.

I immediately put this on the back back burner, but with some encouragement and motivation, I decided that I couldn't leave this story unfinished. To those of you that literally stuck around; THANK YOU! This is for  you guys (: Enjoy!

Chapter 11:

Something wasn't right.

It didn't take me a minute to figure it out.

I cautiously rolled out of bed, frowning when I realized Marino was nowhere to be found. The clock on the wall read 6. What in the world was he doing out this early? After freshening up in the bathroom, I put on a black hoodie over my sleep shirt, and headed for the door. Just as I was about to reach for the knob, I noticed a yellow sticky note placed on the door. I pulled it off, and read the message that, based off of the scribbled writing, was written in a hurry.

Nadlynn; whatever you do, DO NOT LEAVE THIS ROOM. Something serious has come up, and we aren't safe here anymore. I promise I'll be back soon.


I stared dumbfoundedly at the note, and began to panic. How long ago did he write this? What exactly was soon? What if he didn't come back?

I sat down by the door, and groaned. I hated feeling useless, and conflicted at the same time. Was Marino okay? What if he needed my help?

Going with my gut, and ignoring Marino's warning, I carefully opened the door and observed my surroundings.

The hallway was quiet. Eerily quiet. Shoving my hands in my pocket, I decided that it would be safer to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

I hissed as the cold cement made contact with the bottom of my feet. The change in temperature so startled me, that I suddenly tripped and tumbled halfway down the stairs. I let out a whimper as I aggressively  landed on my right ankle.


I sat down on one of the steps and observed my throbbing ankle. Due to the massive swelling, discoloration, and awkward positioning of my foot, I assumed that it was broken.

My confidence slightly faltering, I proceeded to limp the rest of the way down the stairs.

"Well isn't that dandy, Nadlynn? Right when you need them most, you go ahead and-"

I gasped as I opened the door to the front of the hotel, and saw a fuming Pio. And even worse than that? An unconscious Marino was held by two of his own men.

How were there no witnesses? Why weren't any people going in and out of the hotel?

Thankfully, the attention of Pio and his men was focused elsewhere, so I closed the stairway door as quickly as I opened it. Peeking through the window, I watched Pio as he furiously paced the floor of the hotel.

"I want every last inch of this hotel searched. Don't you dare neglect a single room. Find her, and bring her to me."

"Sí, signore."

Four men went through the elevator. Two were headed straight for the stairway.

My heart pumped obnoxiously in my chest as I limped my way back up the stairs. Once I heard the door open, I knew my escape route was useless. There was only one thing I could do.

Saying a silent prayer, I hid myself as well as I could on the staircase. Before they could utter a word, I landed deafening blows on both of them: the first one reached for my head, but I locked his arms between my left one, and delivered a strong flat hand to his right temple. The next one had his knife ready, but before he could raise it, I landed a strong blow right in his larynx. Both men fell at my feet, without a single sign of life prevailing.

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