Chapter 5

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Reagan's POV:

Luke and I locked eyes and he leaned in to kiss me. It began to get more passionate and soon enough I was taking his shirt off and he took my sweatshirt and shirt off too. "Wait." I said. "What is it baby girl?" "I'm-I'm not ready for this. I'm sorry." I began to cry. "Baby it's alright. We can wait if you aren't sure yet. I wouldn't make you do something you don't want to." he smiled and kisses my forehead. "It's okay baby. Wanna go back to the dorm?" "Yes please." I nodded. "Come on baby girl let's get outta here before the rain gets worse." he smiled. He kissed the top of my head and started the truck.

When we go back to campus I asked, "Do you want to go with me to my dorm?" "Sure, I'd love to." he smiled. "We gotta run for it." I laughed. "Let's race. If you win I'll stay the night and we can do whatever you want. If I win you have to do something for me. Is't a deal?" he asked. "Okay deal." I agreed. "1." I began "2." he continued. "3!" we yelled at the same time. We both bolted from the truck and ran inside to my dorm. I made it there first and saw Luke on my tail as he skidded to a stop. "I guess I win." I smiled. "So being reasonable, what do you wanna do?" "Shirt off, pants on." I giggled. "I'm starting to get worried." he laughed taking my shirt off. I pushed him down on to my bed and smiled. "Now stay right here while I change." I winked. Luke purred as I walked away.

Luke's POV:

While Reagan got changed I laid down on her bed and got comfortable. I didn't even hear her come back before I drifted off to sleep waiting for her to come back.

Reagan's POV:

I changed into sweats and a t-shirt. When I walked back out I saw Luke passed out on my bed. Awe he must've been tired. I grabbed a blanket and spread it over him then crawled in next to him. He grabbed me in his sleep and had his arm around me. Luke kissed the top of my head and whispered, "I love you princess." "I love you too." I smiled as I fell asleep.

*the next morning*

Luke's POV:

I woke up and rubbed the sleep outta my eyes. I looked down at Reagan and she was still sleeping. I was still in my jeans so I grabbed my phone outta my pocket and called Carter.

Phone Convo: L-Luke, C-Carter

L - hey buddy

C - where the hell have you been?

L - I crashed at Reagan's dorm last night.

C - could you at least tell me when you're not coming home so I don't have to worry. I thought something happened to you.

L - I'm sorry buddy, hey you wanna do something today?

C - yeah let me tell Cassie and I'll get pready.

L - who the heck is Cassie?

C - uh she's m-my girlfriend.

L - well I have an idea. What if we go out and then Reagan and Cassie can go have a girls day?

C - I'll ask Cassie about it.

L - alright man call me later.

C - alright bye

End of convo

Still Luke's POV:

I decided to make a quick breakfast and wake up my beautiful girlfriend in the sweetest way possible, a kiss. I put my phone on the charger and went to lie down with Reagan. I kissed her lips passionately and I could feel her wake up and smile at me. I pulled away. "Good morning princess." "Morning Lukeerrrs." she giggled. "I thought my name was Luke?" I chuckled. "It is silly." she laughed. "Hmm okay. Hey anyways uh you have are having a girls day with Carter's new girlfriend. Her name is Cassie. It's gonna you and her while Carter and I do something together since I have kinda ditched him lately o be with you. You don't mind right baby? You guys could get to know each other." I suggested. "Sure baby I'd like that." she smiled. "You're amazing you know that?" I smiled back. "If you say so." she half smiled.

"I love you baby." I kissed her cheek. "You missed babe." she told me. "Huh?" I was confused. "My lips are over here babe." she giggled. It drove me crazy. "Oh my bad." I smiled and kissed her lips real well. "Much better." she smirked. "I'll remember that for the future." I replied. "Good idea." she smirked again. "I'm gonna shower." she said as she sat up and got outta bed. "Alright baby. Want me to go get breakfast while you do that?" "Yes please." she smiled. "Okay I'll be back in a little bit." I told her and left. I made sure she was okay and waited til she had the shower on as I got dressed. I left after that and decided to get coffee and bagels from a place down the street.

*20 minutes later*

I was walking down the hall to Reagan's dorm when I saw someone who I didn't wanna see. It was my ex girlfriend Bree. "Hey Luke." he smirked. "Hey." I said trying to walk away. "Where are you going so quickly?" she questioned and stood in front of me. She tried to peck me on the lips but I turned away. "Back to my girlfriend's dorm." I told her confidently. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that." she winked. "Stop acting so desperate it's a turn off and one of the reasons I broke up with you." I tried to walk away but she pinned me against a wall and began kissing my neck. "Get off me Bree! I have a girlfriend! If she sees you she'll punch you." I warned. "I do see you." Reagan said from her doorway. She walked up to me and Bree and pushed Bree out of the way. "Stay the hell away from my boyfriend you stupid slut!" Reagan yelled. She slapped Bree across the face, grabbed my shirt collar and began to kiss me real good.

Bree got up and yelled, "Did he tell you about me? How we were together for two years?!" "Bree did I mention she cheated on me during most of thr relationship?" I chimed in. "You bitch! Get the hell out of here! Now!" Reagan screamed. "Fine. Bye Lukey." she winked. "Leave before I slap you again." Reagan ordered. "Hmmf." Bree stormed off." "So you heard all that?" I asked Reagan. "I heard enough." Reagan said walking back to her dorm. I followed her and walked in as the door closed. "I got some bagels." I said. "Yeah thanks." she said harshly. "She tried to kiss me." I explained. "Please don't be upset. I can't have my baby girl mad at me." I tried to kiss her. "Did she really cheat on you?" she questioned. "Yeah with one of my friends." I answered. "So you don't still love her and you weren't happy to see her?" she questioned. "Baby I was on the way back to your dorm and she cornered me. I was trying to get through but she blocked my way and pushed me agains the wall. I wanted to come be with you like I am now. Please believe me." I begged. "You promise me?" she asked. "I swear on my own life. That whole thing was her idea not mine." I was almost on m knees at this point hoping she would forgive me. "Alright, I believe you. But if you ever come on to her I will hit you where the sun don't shine." she warned. "Wow geez girls are mean. Now I know why my sister always got in fights with her friends at school." I laughed.

Reagan's POV:

I heard Luke talking to that girl and I was about to go out there whn I heard him say, "If my girlfriend sees you she'll punch you and probably slap me too." I laughed at that and opened the door. "I do see you." I said. They both looked over. I walked over the her and Luke and slapped her in the face. She fell and while she was on the ground I grabbed Luke by the collar of his shirt and kissed him real good.

*after that at her dorm*

"I swear on my own life. That whole thing was her idea not mine." he told me. "Alright I believe you." I told him. His face lit up. "But if you ever come on to her I will hit you where the sun don't shine." I added. "Wow geez girls are mean. Now I know why my sister always got in fights with her friends at school." Luke laughed. "It's not that I'll be jealous but what's mine is mine, end of story." I told him. "I'm all yours baby." he kissed the top of my head. "I love you." he smiled. "I love you too. Can we eat now? I'm hungry." I told him. "Yes baby I still have those bagels I got earlier." he replied. He went and got the bagels. After we ate, Luke wanted to go home and changed so I changed into some sweats and a t shirt and went with him, just in case Bree comes back. We got to his dorm and he went to change into something else. While he was doing that someone knocked at the door.

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