Chapter 13

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Luke's POV:

Reagan and I have been on lockdown, busy with school, work, schedules, along with everything else going on in the world. Everything is just crazy. Carter and I graduate in a few days and after we get everything packed up, the four of us are heading up to Nashville. Reagan has been a little distant lately so after classes I'm gonna talk to her and see what's going on. I just hope it's nothing major because I'd hate to have a fight right before we're supposed to leave.

*later that day*

I went back to my room and when I opened the door Reagan was laying on the bed writing something, probably finishing a paper for one of her classes. "Hey baby whatcha doin?" I asked. "Just finishing up a writing thing for my journalism class. It's the last thing I have to do for the year." She explained. "Do you wanna grab something to eat later? Carter told me he and Cassie went to this new bar n grill place the other night." "Yeah sure, I could use a night out." She smiled. I walked over to the bed and kissed Reagan. I could feel her smile into the kiss. I smiled and pulled out so our foreheads were touching. "I love you baby." I told her and kissed her forehead. "Mmm I love you too Luther." I saw her smirk. "You know I'm gonna get you for that." "Come on Luther let's go get dinner." I just glared at her. "Come on Lukey I'm hungry." She was basically pulling me out the door at this point. I grabbed her hand and we walked to my truck. I opened her door so she could get in then we headed for the restaurant.

*at the restaurant*

We got to the restaurant and the hostess seated us in a both right away. She gave us menus then a guy who I assume is our waitor came. "Hey y'all I'll be your waitor tonight. What do you guys want to drink?" He asked us. I looked at Reagan. "Baby what would you like?" "I'll just have water with lime." She answered. "I'll have a sweet tea." I added. I saw him wink at Reagan before walking away. "Dude better watch his step." I snarled and grabbed her hand. "Ooo look at Lukey getting all jealous." "Baby what's mine is mine. And you're MY girlfriend therefore I should be the only one winking my eye at your beautiful face." Just then the guy came back with our drinks and took our order. Reagan got a cheeseburger with some fries and I got steak with baked potatoes. We talked more and laughed before our food came. The guy gave us our food and left. We talked a little bit as we ate.

After we ate, I paid and we left and went back to my dorm. Reagan sat in the middle seat and leaned her head on my shoulder. When we got back she yawned. "Come on baby let's get you to bed. I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to our dorm. (Reagan lives with Luke and Cassie with Carter) When we got to our dorm I opened the door and we went in. Reagan out some sweats on with one of my t shirts and I changed in to some shorts but no shirt.

*skipping to Carter and Luke's graduation*

Reagan's POV:

Today is Carter and Luke's graduation and we're moving to Nashville soon after. This morning I went to Cassie and Carter's dorm. Cassie and I laughed as she kicked him out so we could get ready together. As I was doing my hair Cassie said, "Rea there's something i gotta tell you.' "What is it Cass?" I asked her. "You can't tell the boys at all." She warned. "Ok..." I trailed off." "This is serious...I think I'm....pregnant." She finally said. I gasped. "What?! What?! You can't be serious." She walked over to the bed and sat down. "Umm pretty sure. I mean missed my period and I got sick a few days ago. I mean if I take a test it might say positive." She explained. "How late are you?" I asked. "Little more than a week." "How about after the graduation ceremony, we get a test?" I suggested. "Yeah sounds good. Thanks Rea I'm glad I have you to help me through all this." We smiled at each other and I gave her a hug. I'm on the fence about this baby situation because if she is then that's great but the boys are trying to start their career and that might not be good to handle all of that at one time.

Luke's POV:

As I was getting ready, Reagan left and then there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and saw Carter standing there. "The girls kicked you out didn't they!" I asked while laughing. He nodded and walked in. "Yeah Reagan said they needed some girl time to get ready." He explained. "Them girls are a piece of work aren't they?" I laughed. "Yeah but they're also the most amazing too which is probably why we put up with them so long." He scuffed the went quiet. "What's wrong buddy?" "I don't know. Cassie has been distant the few days. I'm probably just being paranoid but I feel like she's not telling me something." "Man don't worry about it. I seriously doubt it's anything bad." I told him. "Yeah I think I'll talk to her about it after this while graduation thing. I know it's a little early in our relationship but I think she's the one. And I mean 'the one'." He reiterated. "Yeah I have the same feeling about Reagan, I hope they feel the same way." I sighed.

*graduation day* (still Luke's POV)

The ceremony started and soon enough they called my name, "Thomas Bryan" and I walked across the stage. As I did, I saw Reagan, Cassie and my parents as they all cheered for me. I smiled and blue her a kiss. After that they went through the C's and I finally heard "Michael Carter". Everyone clapped and I saw Cassie and them cheering for him. After that they went through the rest of the names. When everything was done Carter and I went over to the girls and my parents. My momma gave me a tight hug as well as my dad but he kinda just shook my hand. It's a guy thing I guess. Then as Carter went over to Cassie, I went over to Reagan. "You did it Luke! You both did it!" She smiled. I picked her up and hugged her so tight. "I love you so much. I love y'all too." I smiled. I through my hands in the air and yelled, "Nashville here I come!"

A/N: I know it's a little shorter than normal. The next chapter will be moving to Nashville. Vote n comment!!!

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