Planets in the Signs

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  SUN ☉keywords: ego, essence, identity, spirit, light, consciousness, the self, style, purpose

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keywords: ego, essence, identity, spirit, light, consciousness, the self, style, purpose.
What does the Sun mean in Astrology? The Sun is our basic identity or our "true" self. It is what reasons things out and gives us the final decisions. The Sun is our ego. It is the life giver and it represents our life force. It is the boss in our chart where all the planets circle around and look to for it's energy. It is our essence and who we are. It is our energy and the vibrations we have. The sun takes one year to complete its cycle through the Zodiac Signs.  

keywords: soul, moods, emotions, home, unconscious habits, instinct, intuition, security, needs, safety, comfort.
What does the Moon mean in Astrology? The Moon is our emotional instincts and habits. It is our deepest personal needs. Where the Sun is the head, the Moon is the heart. It's how we make ourselves feel comfortable, secure, and safe. It's something inside us that we can't really explain although we try. It reveals our habits, instincts, and our private home life. For some people, the Moon seems to drive our personalities more than the Sun does. However, it is wise to balance the importance between the Moon and the Sun. Things you just feel, such as intuition and instincts are the products of your Moon energy. When someone feels misunderstood, it is our Moon nature that is being expressed through our Sun sign that leads us to feeling betrayed, because our Sun refuses to react in harmony with our Moon. The Moon spends 2-½ days in each sign and takes approximately 30 days to complete its cycle.  

keywords: mind, intellect, communications, perception, expression, awareness, dexterity.
What does Mercury mean in Astrology? Mercury represents communication. It's how we communicate, how we reason things out, and our awareness and 'intellect'. This will show during deductive reasoning and observations. Mercury is the messenger of the gods, and it is ruled by Hermes. It is the planet of our day-to-day intellectual expression. It has no emotion, but it is curious and driven by intellect. When we meet people online, it is their Mercury nature that we 'meet'. It's our thought process and sensory of information. Mercury analyzes and makes sense of things. It's how we convey our thoughts. It is how individuals get their point across and how they take in information around them. It's their style of communication. Mercury completes its cycle in 88 days.  

keywords: love, romance, sensuality, art, aesthetics, beauty, sociability.
What does Venus mean in Astrology? Venus is the Goddess of love, and it is ruled by Aphrodite. Venus represents love and money. It's how we love and what we love. It's our love style. It's also how we spend money on what we love. Venus rules our sentiments, what we value, and what we find pleasurable. It's our artistic inclinations and what makes us happy. We approach relationships of the heart with our Venus nature. What we find attractive is governed by our Venus. The reason why we interpret Venus differently between Man and Woman is because the male psyche tends to disown their Venus nature, which is a very feminine energy. They will then project this on to people they meet, because the energy needs to go somewhere. However, if we have a male who is very much in touch with their feminine side, they may not be projecting this quality on to others. Venus takes 227.4 days to make a complete cycle.  

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