Welcome to Charlestown

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Before i begin this is a short story that i had to make for little kids right but this is what i made instead.Oh ya, their will be no P.S. today.

Their once was a small place named Charlestown.

And inside Charlestown was a small home inside of that was a small family and the family had two boys that we're brothers and a mom.

The family was poor. Barely able to stay alive.

Until one day the youngest one of them all name Alexander decided that he need to do something about that. He went to the town square to try and get money for him and his family. Then a person came up and told him that he would give a ton of money if he followed him into a alley. That lead to the stranger's house.

Alexander was very desperate for him and his family ,so he did what the man had told him to. Alexander followed the stranger he just met to the alley. "Where are we going," Alexander said with confusion. 

"Erm...We are going to my lovely home ,so i can get the money for you and your family." the stranger puzzled. Alexander was very skeptical of the stranger. "Um...I think I should go back home, and I and getting very far from home."

 Alexander said nervously "Nonsense!, you want the money correct?" The stranger Yelled with anger "Um..yes, but why are you getting upset?" Alex said getting a rush of new mix feelings Looking at the stranger that had just basically yelled at him and yet he felt like he knew him.The stranger sighs and said " Sorry Alex it's just that......It's getting late we should get going if you wanna make it back before dark to get back to your mom and brother."
I pause right in my tracks.

Thinking how did he know my name? 

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