Chapter 6 |Lizzie and Dan|

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(Jesse pov)


Perta bought Lizzie in the room."Jesse listen.There's been a lot of talk being threw around today."said Lizzie.She took a seat on one of the chairs."I don't know what people have told you.I don't know what you believe,but I'll just admit!I wanted that enchanted flint & steel as much as anyone.Probably more then any of them.I've been searching for a other for years!!Do you know how much it stung to have Dan."Dan" swoop in and took it from under my nose?So aggravating."said Lizzie."Wow.Would you kill someone for it?"I asked.Lizzie stayed slient."Nah,I wouldn't do that.I'm starting to get real irritated with this white pumpkin fella thought.Listen,I just want to get out here and get on with my day.What do you want to hear to be convinced that the white pumpkin isn't me."said Lizzie."You like ever using redstone?Even made traps with the stuff?"I said."I'm fine I guess.I can make lights and doors.You wanna do advance stuff,you gotta talk to Stampy and (Y/n).Stampy was the Tri-block Champion with (Y/n)."said Lizzie." "Tri-block champion?" "I said."Stampy like 2 or 3 years in a row,if I recall correctly.(Y/n) I think almost about 10 years in a row.Maybe more.I lost track."Know what this is?"I said pulling out a tipped arrow."Tipped arrow.Kinda shuddly work thought.Definitely not one of me if your wondering.Some nood made that thing.Stampy asked me once on how to make those things.Could be one of his.Plus,I taught Cassie and Stacy how to make those a while back."said Lizzie."I'm just gonna go straight.Who do you think stole the flint & steel."I said."Well it wasn't me.If you're curious.If I had a other enchanted flint & steel I'd be off exploring some other world with it.But me and Dan have been competing to find a other one.You looking for a likely culprit.I'd at that guy."said Lizzie."I'll keep that in mind.Thanks for your time Lizzie.That's all for now."I said.Lizzie stood up and walked out the door."Who's up next?"said Perta."Can you send in Dan,please?"I said."Right."said Perta and went to get Dan.


"I saw Lizzie on the way out.I don't know what she told you,but..."said Dan.I walked to the fire place.Dan followed me and went in front of me."I'm telling you.You've got the wrong guy.Honestly.I would never hurt anyone,you've got to believe me.If anyone's wronged here,it's me.That enchanted flint & steel everyone's talk about?I found a other one!It's mine!Well at least it was until some stole it.And now everyone got completely crazy."said Dan.I started pacing in circles."That's why you invited people.To see who stole it."I said."What?!No,no,no!!I didn't invite anyone,that's not what's going on.I was invited here,like everyone else."said Dan."Uh huh."I said not believing every word his saying."I'm not the white pumpkin.You've gotta to believe me.What can I tell you to convince you?"said Dan."Know anything about this?"I said pulling out the tipped arrow."Oh.Wow.I've never seen anything like that."said Dan."No?Tipped arrow not ringing a bell?Made using potion?"I questioned."Have you talked to Stampy or (Y/n) yet?They love bow and arrows and stuff."said Dan."Out with it! Who stolen the enchanted flint & steel?"I said."I don't like,like..accusing people,but my guess would be Stampy.He likes to play it off like he's not interested in it,but I know he wants it just as much as any of us do."said Dan."So.How'd you rate your redstone knowledge?"I said."Me.Poof.Not much.Not really my scene.You want to know more about that stuff.You should ask Stampy or (Y/n).They were the Tri-block champion."said Dan."Yeah.Stampy 3 years in a row.(Y/n) 10 years in a row.According to Lizzie."I said."There!You see?There the only ones here who could've built such amazing traps."said Dan."You can go now,Dan."I said."Thanks,Jesse.Thank you."said Dan.He walked towards the door but stopped."When Stampy or (Y/n) come in....don't forget to ask them about redstone.Their amazing at that stuff."said Dan.Dan walked out of the room."Who do you want me to sent in?"said Perta."Stampy."I said.

Minecraft story mode (Male Jesse x reader) Who's the white pumpkin?Where stories live. Discover now