Chapter 10 |Is this the end?|

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((Y/n) pov)

I quickly stopped Cassie axe."What are you doing?!"She said."Trying to stop you!"I said.As our sword/axe created a small spark.My eyes changed from (color eyes) to white glowing eyes.I tried to push her away but instead she pushed me behind her almost causing me to fall in the trap.I looked up to see Jesse pushed Cassie.Which Cassie dumped into me.But I couldn't stop in time.I fell in the trap with Cassie.Jesse tried to grabbed me but he didn't.Sand fell on top of us.Cassie made it seem like that we were done for.I heard sand being punched.Cassie was holding on to something but I didn't know what it was.Everything went black.

*4 minutes later*

I sat up and opened my eye to see Cassie holding a (Favorite color) pumpkin."I held this on before we died.Also my axe and your sword."said Cassie handing me my sword and the pumpkin."Now Jesse should fall in our trap so you might want to put it on."said Cassie.I nodded and made my eyes go to how it was before the my white glowing eyes.I put the pumpkin on and saw that I had a black suit."How do I look?"I said as my voice went in a high pitch girl voice thought the mask."You look pretty!Now Jesse should fall in 3....2....1..."said Cassie.I heard screaming.I saw Winslow next to me meowing.So cute!!!"There it is Jesse!Your trapped!"said Cassie and evily laughed."I knew you weren't dead.I knew it was too easy."said Jesse.I took off my mask and looked down at Jesse."In it.You stepped in our final and best trap.I don't know how much time you spend with endermites but the poor things are hungry.I would throw the flint & steel right here.Before I drop you down to see how sharp there teeth are."said Cassie."Tick tock tick tock!"I said."What's it going to be the flint & steel or your lifes!If you give us the flint & steel will let you feel.Because we hate this place.So we need it so bad.Since (Y/n) can't teleport us out of here."said Cassie."Okay.You're right.You guys win.We'll give you the flint & steel.But let us out first."said Jesse."No.We're not falling for that one."I said."Nope.This is taking to long.I'll just let the endermites eat you.When fishing out of your inventory."said Cassie.We put our pumpkin on."It will be the best fishing trip ever!Winslow my pet activate the trap!"said Cassie in a deep male voice.Winslow lipped it's paw instead."Winslow please activate the trap."I said in a girl high pitch voice.Winslow flicked the switch.Cassie glared at me.I quietly sigh.The platform Jesse and his group were standing on moved again."Come on,winslow.(Y/n)."said Cassie.Took one more look at Jesse and followed her.I fell like half my body didn't want to leave Jesse and the others on that trap.Slowly sneeked back to the lever and took it off.I grabbed it."Perta.Ivor.Luckas.Use this lever."I said tossing them the lever.I looked at Jesse."Jesse use your ender pearl you got from the chest."I said.I hate this high pitch voice.I quickly walked with Cassie who was gone."Your not a fast learner are you?"I heard.I looked to see Cassie with Jesse on the ither floor.I teleported up there.Cassie started attacking him.I saw the flint & steel.Cassie threw the ender pearl towards it."No.We're going home."I heard Jesse.Jesse threw the ender pearl on Cassie and tackled her."No you can't do this."said Cassie struggling to get out of his grip."(Y/n)!Don't just stand there!"said Cassie."(Y/n) don't listen to her!"said Jesse.I walked to the flint & steel but Winslow got there.I stopped.If I walk to close he could knock it down.He started pushing it off the edge."No!Winslow!Bad kitty!Stop it!Winslow good boy.Being that to master."said Cassie.Winslow ignored him."Here kitty,kitty,kitty.Here kitty,kitty."said Jesse.Winslow looked at them and put a smile on his face.Wait can cats smile?He lifted his paws."Winslow come here.Being the flint & steel."I said.Winslow stopped and walked towards me with the flint & steel and I kneed down.I grabbed it from him.."I got it!"I said."Yes!"said Cassie."No!"said Jesse."We can finally get out of here."said Cassie.Cassie pushed Jesse off her."Offf!"He said.He stood up."Jesse!Catch!"I said threwing him the flint & steel.He almost grabbed it but he fumbled with it and dropped it."No!"said Jesse."After all this time werefree!"said Cassie.Walking away."Not for long."I said.I teleported in front of her."Stop right there Cassie!"I said."Get out of my way!"said Cassie.Winslow jumped down."I think you should give that back."said Jesse."No."She said and hit a switch causing the sand to fall.Jesse ran and jumped onto the platform.Too bad I dropped my flint & steel when we died.Cassie didn't know yet."I'll give you one thing your incredibly annoying."said Cassie.Cassie lit the netherrack around Jesse.I gasp.Jesse was trapped.Cassie open the door to the portal.I stopped in my tracks."Come on (Y/n) we don't have all day"said Cassie.I heard  scream from above.I looked to see Perta.She jumped on top of Cassie.Cassie dropped the flint & steel.Luckas put it out with water.Ivor got the flint & steel before falling with endermite."You all are deading now.Ivor tossed the flint & steel to Jesse."Got it."He said.Cassie charged at him but he lit the floor causing Cassie to fall back and throw her pumpkin off.I took my off.I helped her up."I guess it didn't go as plan."said Cassie."I guess will be stuck here forever."I said sad."Yeah.I guess."said Cassie."Sorry about what Cassie has done.I hope doesn't do it again.But again we're sorry."I said."Actually this doesn't have to end like this."said Jesse."Jesse's right."said Perta."Huh?"said Cassie."You can come with us to our world and go on adventure."said Jesse.I looked at Cassie."I'll like that instead of being stuck here."I said."I agree."said Cassie.We all walked to the portal."Are you sure this isn't a trap."said Ivor."Nope."said Cassie.Jesse  the portal."See."I said.We all walked thought the portal.To see a ton of portals.Wow....Cassie was shocked too....

Next time on Minecraft story mode...

Jesse has made 2 new friends,but will Jesse,his group,Cassie,and (Y/n) make there way back to there home?What will they see at the new world?Will they meet new people?

Minecraft story mode (Male Jesse x reader) Who's the white pumpkin?Where stories live. Discover now