Chapter 4 - Away in a Sewer

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, 'It's a Wonderful Life', or 'The Greatest Gift.'

*Special Note: The incredible artwork for this chapter was created by my insanely talented friend, CorolineThePheonix. It turned out amazing!!! 💜

*Author's Notes: I'm back again with chapter 4 of 'Because You Weren't There,' and as I pointed out in the previous chapter, this one gets pretty dramatic.

Great big hugs to everyone for the awesome feedback you have given me on this story. You guys always make me feel all warm and toasty inside. 8}

Thanks so much for reading. ;) CJ


Chapter 4 – Away in a Sewer

Once outside of the building, I immediately switch into ninja stealth mode and take to the rooftops, knowing it's a lot easier to remain invisible when you're high above the city. Luckily, I'm able to scale up the side of the abandoned building without detection.

Or least I hope so . . .

One never knows when there are Kraang stealth ships lurking about.

The landscape I once knew like the back of my palm is entirely different now. Some of the buildings have been replaced with unusual crystallized structures; others look more like an alien spacecraft than an actual building.

Much to my dismay, I can't take the straightest path home. I have to significantly alter my route, so as to stick to the buildings that still have a flat rooftop for me to leap across.

I try not to let my nerves get the better of me, focusing my concentration solely on getting back to the lair rather than the odd changes to the scenery surrounding me.

Hopefully, my brothers will know what's going on.

All things considered, I make pretty good time, even though I had to stop for several minutes to avoid being spotted by a Kraang probe.

I decide to sneak down into the sewers once I get within about a mile of the lair, just in case someone or something is following me. This will give me plenty of square footage to work with. If there is, in fact, someone tracking my movements, I can easily give them the slip as soon as we're underground.

I head for the nearest manhole cover and silently lower myself down into the shadowy maze of tunnels below the surface.

There doesn't seem to be anyone on my tail, but I take the necessary precautions regardless. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

Weaving through the dark sewer passageways in what I hope is an untraceable pattern, I slowly make my way back to the lair.

The mere sight of the turnstiles that lead to the old abandoned subway station my family and I call home makes all the tension I'm feeling inside instantly start to melt away.

Bolting towards the main entrance, I eagerly climb up the first set of stairs and hurtle over the turnstiles. My mind is racing about a million miles a minute, trying feverishly to formulate some kind of a plan. I just need to get to my lab, so I can run some –

My brain suddenly stops mid-sentence, as do my feet.

All I can do is just stand here, dumbfounded, staring at the space before me.


My voice echoes throughout the familiar yet strangely unrecognizable room, chilling me straight to the bone.

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