Chapter 5 - All I Want for Christmas

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, 'It's a Wonderful Life', or 'The Greatest Gift.'

*Author's Notes: Well, I promised everyone that I would get the remainder of this story posted before Santa arrives, so here's the final chapter of 'Because You Weren't There,' just in the 'Nick' of time. Aw, Santa puns . . . They're ho-larious! XD

Thank you all very, very much for reading this story and providing me with such amazing feedback. Oh my gosh! I'm so incredibly grateful to each and every one of you. You are all spectacular! *hugs*

Okay, I'm sure everyone's anxious to find out how this is going to end, so let's jump right into it.

I really hope you enjoy the conclusion of this story. Thank you for reading. ;) CJ


Chapter 5 – All I Want for Christmas

There's a familiar voice cutting through the darkness, trying to pull me out of whatever stupor I'm in. At first, the words drifting over me are quiet and impossible to understand, but they soon start to make sense, syllable by syllable. While I struggle to pick apart the vocabulary, I recognize the soft voice as my hotheaded older brother's, although he sounds strange. The usual gruffness in his tone is missing.

"Please, Donnie. I don't know how much more of this we can take. You need to wake up, little brother. Please . . . Just open your eyes." The heartfelt pleading is accompanied by faint sniffling sounds.

Is Raph . . . crying?!?

I feel a callused hand wrap around my own, and just out of instinct, I give it a squeeze. My grip is embarrassingly weak, but it's strong enough to get an excited reaction.

"D – Donnie? Donnie, can you hear me?"

Since Raph's voice is the only one I'm able to detect, I think I can safely assume the hand holding my own belongs to him. I give it another squeeze as I attempt to pry my eyelids apart. After much squinting and blinking, I can finally see that I'm lying on my bed. Raphael is sitting next to me with an uncharacteristic smile etched across his face. He's definitely a sight for sore eyes.

"R – Raph." Barely any sound comes out of me, but the croaky noise is enough to make my older brother's already broad smile somehow widen even more.

"Guys! Guys! He's awake! Get in here!"

My brother's thunderous shouting causes my head to immediately start pounding like a bass drum. I clamp my eyes back shut and let out a low hiss of pain.

Raph's response to this is to squeeze my hand with a surprisingly gentle grip.

While I try to force my eyes open again, I hear the shuffling of multiple pairs of feet approaching.

As to be expected, Mikey is the first to spring into action.


Before I'm able to fully get my bearings straight or even try to sit up, I'm enveloped in a crushing hug from my youngest sibling, which I eagerly return. I've never been so thrilled to see my baby brother in all my life.

"I'm super happy you're okay, D! I thought we'd lost you, bro!" Mikey tightens his grip around me and nuzzles his face into my neck, softly sniffling just like Raph had been earlier.

"I thought I'd lost you, too. I – I can't believe you're all h – here." My voice noticeably hitches as I say this and I'm finding it hard not to break down. Choking back a sob, I lean further into Mikey's embrace and pull him as close as I can without suffocating him.

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