Epilogue - Attaboy, Mikey

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, 'It's a Wonderful Life', or 'The Greatest Gift.'

*Author's Notes: Just in time for the holidays, I've returned with a new installment of 'Because You Weren't There.'

While this story was a Christmas present to a very dear friend of mine (Captain Vegeta), this particular chapter was written specifically for my father. I love you very, very much daddy! Thank you for getting me addicted to 'It's a Wonderful Life' all those years ago. Watching the movie, over and over again, with you is one of my fondest childhood memories. I loved the movie back then, but I love it even more now that I'm all 'grown up' and fully understand the true meaning behind this inspirational film.

I really hope you all enjoy the chapter. Thank you for reading. ;) CJ


Epilogue – Attaboy, Mikey

There are certain, dare I say, perks associated with near-death experiences. I like to refer to them as sympathy pains.

After being critically injured, the wounded party is entitled to a number of special privileges they normally wouldn't receive had their life not been hanging by a thread. Privileges my baby brother oftentimes milks like dairy cattle. I, on the other hand, try to be a little less needy and a lot less melodramatic about the whole thing. Rather than run the risk of overplaying my hand, I ask for small, modest favors here and there. Humble requests, such as fetching me a glass of water or a couple of aspirin. Or, in this case, asking my family to sit down and watch a movie with me.

I mean, how could they possibly say no to something as simple as that, right?

Especially at a time like this.

It's Christmas, after all. Not to mention I almost died.

Okay, who's the melodramatic one now?

Anyway, I digress...

My point is, these unspoken 'privileges' were the only way I was ever going to get my entire family to suffer through a two hour and fifteen-minute, black and white film. A film that contains no cussing, no gore, no graphic violence, no inappropriate content – just pure, wholesome goodness. In other words, I exploited my family's kindness and subjected them to a movie they would've never, in a million years, watched voluntarily. And now that the end credits are scrolling up the screen to the tinny-sounding tune of 'Buffalo Gals,' I'm feeling a teeny, tiny bit guilty for taking advantage of the very people I supposedly love the most in this world. It certainly doesn't help that Mikey is staring up at me with his huge, dewy blue eyes; a Santa hat flopped to one side.

It's times like this, I wish I wasn't cursed with a conscience. Things would be so much easier if I didn't have a sense of what's right or wrong.

Kind of like Raph...

"I'm confused."

Just as I open my mouth to ask my little brother 'why,' my oldest brother beats me to the punch.

"About what, Mikey? The fact that the cop just started open-firing at an unarmed man right in the middle of a crowded street?"

Leave it to straight-as-an-arrow Leonardo to notice something like that.

Need I point out this is the same turtle who's always willing to overlook his precious Captain Ryan's obvious ethical shortcomings?

I'm just saying – or rather, just thinking...

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