Daisy Dukes

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I had a massive headache when I woke up the next morning.

I was also lying in my bed, shirtless, next to Frank, who was sleeping soundly.


I could tell by the empty bottles lying around that we had drank way too much last night. The memories of last night were kind of foggy, but I think I remember kissing Frank. And it was...really sexy. I wasn't gonna lie, I really enjoyed it. I felt Frank stir next to me and he suddenly jumped out of bed, rushing to the bathroom. I followed him, sitting down next to him as he emptied the contents of his stomach into my toilet. I noticed his hair was really messed up. I wondered whether it was just him sleeping or...something else.

As he finished, I wrapped him into a hug, hesitant, as I'm not sure how he would react, or if he would remember the events of last night. But, thank God, he wrapped his skinny arms around me, squeezing me tightly. "Gee." He murmured quietly into my shirt. I buried my face in his shoulder before grunting: "Hm?" He muttered into my shirt: "Do you remember what happened last night?" His ears turned red, showing me how embarrassed it was. It made me blush, thinking about what we could have done. "Bits and pieces. It's all a bit foggy." I murmured, hoping he didn't see the redness of my cheeks. He nodded slowly. "It's coming back a little bit at a time," he murmured, yawning after he finished the sentence. I simply rubbed his back until he had fallen asleep, snoring softly. I picked up, noticing how light he was, even for his size, and put him back in bed. I then went back to sleep as well, my back to the sleeping boy.

~I pick Frank up after our heated make out session, giggling as I did. The smaller boy looked up at me, grinning deviously. I grinned back down at him. During and after our make out session, we had downed a whole bottle of Vodka. Both of us were really hammered. As we got to the stairs, I let Frank down and he immediately jumped onto me, gripping onto me like a koala bear and kissing me fiercely, colliding his tongue with mine. We stood, halfway up the stairs, kissing passionately, for about two minutes. Then, Frank hopped down and practically dragged me upstairs. He pulled me into my room and shoved me down onto my bed. I took his shirt off without another thought and kissed down his neck, making him moan. He let his hands trail down to my belt buckle, playing with it. But, being the little tease he was, he simply ripped my shirt over my head and started kissing me fiercely again, making sure to bite on my collarbone again. I tried to hold back a pleasured moan, but failed horribly. He finally let his fingers trail down my stomach and threw my belt across the room. Soon, we were both mostly undressed, keeping on our boxers, because as drunk as we were, we didn't have zero common sense. Frank trailed kisses along my jawline, making me sigh contentedly. He yawned, snuggling up to me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him softly, gentler than all of the rest of our firey kisses. He murmured something against my chest that sounded like my name. I yawned and soon fell asleep next to Frank.~

I woke up later in the day, recalling everything we had done when drunk. Thank God we hadn't gone farther. I got up slowly, careful not to wake Frank, who was still sleeping soundly. As I was heading to the bathroom, I groaned, as now I had a killer headache, and was still trying not to wake Frank up. I went to take my shower and hoped that Frank wouldn't think things between us were awkward.

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