Bring Me To Life

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Almost immediately after we finished unpacking Frank's things, he leaned against me and immediately fell asleep, me practically holding him up. I glanced at his brother and he smiled apologetically, getting up to help me. Together, we carried Frank and set him in my bed. After we got him settled and went back downstairs, I held out a hand to Patrick. "I guess we weren't properly introduced. Hi, my name's Gerard." He smiled shyly at me. "My name's Patrick, Patrick Stump. I've seen you around school, you're three years above Frank and I, right?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'm a senior. My brother, Mikey, is ninth grade as well." Patrick nodded. "Yeah, Mikey's in my science class." He shuffled his feet, as if the mention of science class, or my brother, made him slightly uncomfortable. I didn't question it, as he had been through a lot lately and I didn't want him to feel pressured to answer.

  We sat down on the couch quietly, not wanting to go to sleep, but not wanting to do anything around the house. We had already gotten everything unpacked, so we simply chatted for a little while, getting to know each other. Patrick seemed to adore Frank. Whenever I mentioned his half brother, his face lit up with a smile. He stayed quiet as I went on about Frank for a little while. I paused as I saw a small smile form on his face: "What?" He poked me. "You like Frank." I almost choked on my drink. "W-what?! N-no, I don't!" Patrick giggled. "It's okay, I won't tell him." I felt my cheeks heat up as I sputtered indignantly: "I don't like Frank that way!" Patrick winked at me. "Don't be too loud now. You might wake him." I rolled my eyes. "W-whatever." I cursed my voice for cracking, making me sound younger and more embarrassed then I should have been. Patrick simply smiled and asked softly: "Hey, I have to meet someone tomorrow. Will you make sure Jordan and Frank are okay? I know Jordan's pretty shaken up. She doesn't like to admit it, but she does need someone to take care of her. And I haven't seen Jack around for a few days. Jack's her boyfriend," he added, seeing my confused expression when he mentioned the name I didn't recognize. "Ah," I said softly. Patrick got up, stretching. He sounded kind of like Frank when he stretched, making the same sound at the back of his throat that he did, the one that had made me blush when I first heard it. "I'm going to check up on Jordan and Mikey, see what they're up to." He said with a small smile. I nodded absentmindedly, thinking deeply.

  After Patrick left, I thought about what he said, about me liking Frank. I mean, he was a cute little shit, but I don't know. I decided to name off all the things I liked about Frank. I like his hair, how the black part ran through my fingers easily. I liked his voice, even if it was rough from wailing or husky from sleep. I loved his tattoos. They were art, a different kind of art than I usually liked, but still art. I liked tattoos, but had none myself. I was terrified of needles. They horrified me. I loved his personality, how funny and nice he was, but how soft and gentle he was as well. He was attractive, inside and out. And when we kissed, no matter how alcohol tasting or sloppy it was, I liked it a lot. It was nice. I doubt he liked me, but I felt different around him. My chest tightened, my stomach flipped, my cheeks flamed up. I had been trying to push back these feelings, but I doubt I could any longer. I liked Frank, I liked him a lot. But he would probably never like me back. Hell, he probably wouldn't like any boy again, judging by how his step-father and brother treated him. I doubt he would trust anyone as much as he would have if he hadn't been treated like an abused animal. He had been kicked around too much, too much to be completely right in the mind.

  I flinched as I heard Patrick's voice right next to my ear. "They're alright." I turned around to see the brownish blonde haired boy smiling at the ground contently. He looked happy, relieved, like a little boy who's dog had been taken to the hospital for a sickness, but the dog ended up being fine. I smiled at him happily, wanting to make him feel comfortable here. "Jordan and Mikey? Yeah, I thought they would be." He nodded. "So, what have you been doing?" I shrugged. "Just thinking." He waggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. "Not like that. I was thinking about...what you said. About liking Frank." His blue eyes widened and he grinned. "Did you? What about it?" I hesitated before stammering softly: "I think you m-might be right." Patrick grinned, flailing his arms like an excited school girl. "I knew it!" I put my finger to his lips. "Patrick, sh. Frank is still asleep." He nodded. "Yeah. Okay. So what are you going to do about it?" I shrugged. "Probably nothing. He would never feel the same way about me." Patrick looked at me incrediously. "Seriously? Nothing?" I nodded. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." He rolled his eyes. "Well, I can't make you do anything, but I think you should tell him about your little crush." I sighed. "I hate that word. Crush. It sounds so stupid, so silly for the way you feel for the person you would use to describe it with." Patrick rolled his eyes. "Fine, romantic interest." I rolled my eyes, his sarcasm obvious.

  Patrick smiled at me. "I really think you should tell him. But it's okay. Do what you think you should." I smiled. "Thanks, Patrick. You're alright." He laughed. "Thanks. Not many people have told me that." He said the last sentence slightly softer, more surprised sounding. I felt a pang of sympathy. I don't imagine he got many compliments, seeing the way his family was. He cleared his throat softly and said cheerily: "Okay! Well, I'm going to bed. Thank you, Gerard. And goodnight." I smiled. "Goodnight, Patrick. Sleep good." He simply waved his hand as he walked upstairs to our room. I smiled and got up to get ready for bed myself.

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