Jack? (Frank)

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We sat in silence the entire way home. I could practically feel the steam coming out of my ears. I was so incredibly pissed. Gerard occasionally shot worried glances at me, but I just turned my head to face the window. Once we got back to Gerard's house, he turned to me. Jordan and Patrick were already getting their things out of the trunk. "Are you gonna be okay?" He murmured, sounding concerned. I sighed impatiently and snapped at him: "Yeah! I'll be fucking peachy, Gerard!" He looked taken aback as he slowly got out of the car, helping my siblings with their bags.

I got out of the car next, taking Jordan's bag from her and carrying it into the house. She still seemed shaken up over what had happen. Sure, Brian beat Patrick and I bloody, but he had always been lighter on Jordan, as he could very much go to jail, if found beating on a young girl. Not that he wouldn't get in trouble for beating on Pat and I, but we were only a few years younger and were strong enough to take care of ourselves. I stood up against Brian many times, taking the beating for Jordan, who would scream at Brian to stop as he beat me until I saw stars. She had mentioned a boyfriend though, who helped her lots, who cared for her and let her stay at his house when Brian was drunk or feeling especially angered. I had never met him and she hadn't mentioned a name or offered to introduce us. Patrick said he had met him once and he seemed like a good guy who could hold my sister up. I trusted Patrick's judgement and didn't pressure Jordan to let me meet him.

Gerard showed Patrick and Jordan where they could stay and quickly explained to Mikey what had happened. Mikey listened the whole time, not interrupting or saying that they didn't have room for three more people, that they had just met, none the less. Mikey let Jordan stay in his room, as he had bunk beds. Patrick was to stay in Gerard's room with Gerard and I. We would get out a sleeping bag or something. Pat seemed unconcerned, only wanting to know if Gerard was sure this would be okay and if Jordan would be settled. Gerard insisted that it would be fine, and that his mom hadn't even been home for a few days, that she was constantly on frequent business trips and stayed in hotels often. She would call every few days, checking on the boys and making sure they were doing alright.

Gerard pulled me into the living room, as everyone else was putting their stuff in their new rooms, and asked softly: "What's up with you, Frank?" I sighed, letting all the thoughts of today cloud into my mind. Then I did something I had hoped I wouldn't do. I burst into tears, hiccuping sobs shaking my body. Gerard wrapped his arms around me, stroking my hair and letting the black hair run through his fingers. "Shhh, Frank, it'll be okay, talk to me..." I choked out pathetically: "My brother hits us, Gerard, my mom hates us, and I just ran away with my brother and sister to live at my best friend's house! I don't know what to do with my life anymore! If my dad were still here, we w-wouldn't h-h-have this p-problem..." I wailed, letting the anguish and pure betrayal that I had felt ever since Dad left flow through me, racking my body will sobs. Gerard pressed a kiss against my forehead and murmured: "Oh, Frankie...it's okay. We'll get through this all together. You guys can stay here and you won't have to worry about your brother or your mom. And your dad is missing out. On two awesome sons and a very sweet daughter. It's his loss, Frankie, not yours." I sniffed, calming myself down a little bit. "W-why did he leave me, G-Gee...?" I whispered against his chest, tears still running down my cheeks. Gerard murmured back: "I don't know, sugar. I don't know."

I sniffed and said shakily: "We should probably get my stuff unpacked." Gerard nodded, letting go of me. We headed to his room where Patrick was unpacking and neatly folding his clothes and standing his few CDs. He blinked at me and asked softly: "Frankie? You okay?" I nodded, not wanting to talk about it again. He looked at me for a little while, but finally nodded and went back to folding his clothes. Gerard and I unpacked my things in silence.

[Hi. This is my first author's note in the actual story of this particular story. I was wondering, I kinda want to do a chapter in Patrick and/or Jordan or Jack's POV. Yes, Jack will be coming soon. Do you guys want me to do one in one of their POVs? If so, who? -xoxoMikey]

[Updated note. Error submitting and saving your story, my ass, Wattpad. My fucking internet connection is fine, so get the stick out your ass and post my fucking story.]

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