Chapter Five

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Ward paced back and forth, leaving me a minute to process what he had seen. I leaned over the desk with the computer, staring at the screen. Did Ward see what I saw? Was it worse? No, it couldn't be.
He walked back towards me, a little calmer now.
"Okay Skye, what's the plan for getting out of here." He stood in front of me and crossed his arms. Looking impatient, he waited for me to speak.
"We have to contact Coulson before anything else. Just to let him know to leave before the latest time for him to attack comes." I walked around the desk, looking for something else. When I entered my name, the door shut. When Ward entered his name, the door stayed shut. Maybe if I entered my name again.
I went back to the front of the screen and retuned in my name. I instantly looked away from the computer to the door, watching to see what happened. Nothing happened. I looked at the screen. The same terrifying picture filled the screen. I just stared, gripping the edge of the desk. I stared it down, trying not to let fear take over.
"Skye! It worked!" I looked back at the door, where Ward was standing. The door was creeping open, slower than when it closed. I gasped, running over to him. As soon as the door was wide enough, we pushed our way through. I sighed and saw Ward tense up. He reached for his icer, and I started to reach for mine. He looked around warily, like a dog who could smell danger. As soon as my hand tightened around the grip, a loud alarm sounded.
"Skye, east court!" Ward yelled. He ran down a hallway, which when we looked at the building's blueprints was called the east hallway. I ran closely behind him. He took out his gun smoothly, but I wasn't able to get mine out. I was too busy running. I heard a shot being fired as we turned a corner. Wait, this corner wasn't in the blueprints.
Ward was confused just as much, he turned back the way we came. We continued to run down the hall. My breathing became labored and I slowed down a considerable pace. Ward kept up his pace, not noticing I was behind. He ran past the room we had been trapped in and ran down what had been labeled as the west court.
I tripped over my own feet, falling to the ground. As I fell, I saw Ward disappear turning a corner. I tried to get up, but my legs were tangled in each other. My arms felt like weights. I was barely able to pull out my icer, before a guard walked towards me. I aimed and fired, hitting him in his less guarded shoulder.
He went down, while others came around the corner after him. I hit four, but several more came. They must've already gotten Ward, now they're coming to get me. I aimed at the next closest one, and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. I had run out of bullets. My other cartridge was in my boot.
I reached down to get it, when the guards had grabbed me by the arms. They pushed me against the wall, making sure I couldn't go anywhere. I wiggled around, unable to get out from under their grasp. Without backup, I was trapped.

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