Chapter Fifteen

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"Hey Skye, breakfast." Ward said from across the room. I slowly opened my eyes, pushing off the wool blanket. I looked over at Ward digging into today's breakfast: oatmeal and apple juice. I sighed loudly, tired of oatmeal.
It had been almost three weeks of sitting in the cells. Luckily, Ward has mostly healed with some abdomen pains every so often. The wound has been healing nicely, with medical supplies left by our captives. Every morning, we wake up and find the next couple of days' necessities waiting inside the door: water, food, toilet paper.
We've also been able to conjoin the cells. The bars along the hall are strong, but the ones between us were rusted. With a little bit of accurately placed brute force, we were able to break a fair sized hole in the wall. No one has fixed it and nothing's happened. Yet.
For the past few weeks, everything's been pretty okay. No running, being shot at, starving, or excessive paperwork. True, the scenery isn't nice and it's just Ward with me, but I'm surviving. Plus, Ward is pretty fun outside the work place.
"Oatmeal again?" I asked, trudging out of bed. I came and sat on the floor next to him.
"Well, what else can you make with instant oatmeal packets and hot water?" I chuckled to himself. I smiled, having heard that joke for the past week.
"It's apple juice, right?"
"Actually, today..." He quickly took a sip from the bottle. "'s apple juice. Yep." He sighed. I laughed at him, expecting nothing less. Ever since this mission, he's been so different. A sweet, funny, kind person. Not the Agent Grant Ward who's perfect in everything he does.
"So you gonna make it, or do I?" I asked, grabbing for the apple juice bottle. He handed it over without a fight, without a lesson or metaphor to learn. Who was this Ward that I had never seen before? I don't know, but I hope he never leaves.
After breakfast, we, though mostly me, cleaned up the "breakfast area" and chilled out in his cell. Sorry, room. Ward has been asking me to keep it more casual and upbeat while we're here.
We laid back on the floor, in our little nest of wool blankets and squished styrofoam mats. He was already down on his half, which I respected. I curled up into my usual position. As soon as I was in place, he wrapped his long arms around my head, providing support.
"You know what?" He asked.
"What?" I turned to face him.
"You smell awful." He smiled.
"Thank you. I've been working for this level for a while now." I said with a straight face. Moments later, we broke out laughing at the same time. I had a weird high pitched giggle, where he had a low chuckle. I was in tears before we finished.
I looked over at his smiling face, thinking how nothing could get better than this. Until he put his lips on mine.

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