Chapter Seven

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I opened my eyes, practically jumping up from where I was laying. I hit something hard with my shoulder, making a thunk sound.

"Oww..." I heard a loud groan. I looked to my right, seeing Ward bent over holding his head.

"Ward!" I gasped, leaning over nad giving him a bear hug. We fell to the ground, and I was almost in tears from how happy I was. That dream, and the fact it seemed so real.

"Ok ok, get off me. Hey, you're ok..." He sat up, looking at me in the face. He looked me over, nodding slowly to himself when he was done.

"Yeah, it was just a dream. But it was so real that-" I started to explain, but Ward interrupted.

"You can tell me later, but we have to run. Now." He got up, jogging in one direction. I looked around to see where we were. I saw metal pipes just above us that ran as far as I could see both ways. A thunderous rattle came from one end, getting louder. I looked that way to see what it was, when I felt my hand being pulled on.

"Hey!" I was basically being dragged, but I saw Ward holding onto my hand, trying to pull me away from the noise. I started to run, trying to keep up with him. We ran, for God knows how long, before we finally reached the end. A bright light, probably the sun, penetrated through the air, blinding me for a few seconds. I looked, back, seeing that it was indeed the sun. We ran out onto a dirt path, the tunnel's end right behind us.

"Ward, where are we?" I looked at him, but he was just looking around.

"...I'm not entirely sure," he finally answered. I looked out. Around us was...practically nothing. A few scruffy bushes and the hot sun were the only things around. I squinted to see farther, making out a mountain in the distance. Basically, we were in a really hot, really big, and really useless desert.

"We have to get to that mountain," Ward pointed out towards where I was squinting. It was on the way of the obvious beaten path. It was strange, the "road" was at least an inch or two higher than the rest of the ground. At least, where we were. Out farther, the road rose higher, the normal ground level sloping downwards.

"Can't we go back?" I turned around to look in the cave. I didn't hear the thunderous noise anymore. I started to walk back towards it, something stopping me.

"No, unless you want to be taken by those guards again." Ward had grabbed my forearm, trying to stop me from moving any further.

"You expect us to make it through the blazing hot desert without supplies?" I haven't even gotten to agent status yet, and I already knew that we wouldn't last long.

"The mountain is about twelve hours away. We can get there at by dawn tomorrow if we start now."

"How do you know what time it is?"

"By the position of the sun, where it is setting just on a 135 degree angle and with the addition of the moon means it's about 6:00 pm." I stood there in awe.

"I also have a watch," he added, raising up his wrist to show an army style watch, one of those with all those useless extra features.

"Oh," I said, embarrassed. He started to walk towards the mountain. I took one last look towards the cave before following Ward out into the lifeless desert.

Skye and Ward: On A Mission (SkyeWard)Where stories live. Discover now