Chapter I

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Its morning. I rolled out of bed. With my hair in a mess and my black sweats almost down at my ankles from moving around so much. Its 5:25 am. My vision is cloudy and my skin is sticky. I guess it was another bad dream. Whatever. Im used to it.

I waltz into my kitchen to make breakfast. I decided on an egg and cheese sandwich. I scrambled the eggs with salt and pepper mixed inside. While that was marinating,I put wheat toast in the toaster. I finished cooking and sat my plate down on the counter. I walked out and grabbed the newspaper. I ate and read at the same time. I liked the quiet that haunted my house. It was soothing.

As soon as I finished eating, I slowly approached my bathroom. I felt something like a weird presence. Could this be my parents? I then saw a long black figure in my mirror. It looked like my father. Fear isn't striking me. Not a bit. Wonder is the only thing pondering my mind. Here I stand, just staring at a figure. My powers are activating again. Clairvoyance. The ability to see the unknown. I cant see the past or the future but only now. The present. Is my dad coming for me? Everything was suddenly,normal. No figures. No father. I should've known. I jump in the shower. Letting the hot water slither its way down my back, hitting the shower floor.

   I was inside of my walk-in closet. I grabbed my black dress shirt,skinny jeans and dress shoes. I throw those items on and look for a tie. I chose maroon. My hair is a dark ginger color. I always quiff my hair up. I put on my leather jacket and walk out. Its 6:14 am so I go get coffee. I walk to my Black c300 Mercedes Benz. I drive about 2 miles to Starbucks. Turning off the engine, I felt a pounding in my stomach and head. I open the door and walk out. A sudden heat wave passes my body making me rip off my jacket. I shake it off and walk in.

"Hi,welcome to StarBucks! How may I help you?" Said the cashier.

"Hey,can I have a Venti dark roast with one sugar?"

"Sure. Whats your name?" Asked Emma. I read her name tag. She seemed strange. Different. She was sending me a different vibe.


She nodded and turned away. I have to look into her more. There's something about her I need to know.

"That will be $4.25 Reese." Said Emma. I handed her a five dollar bill.

"Keep the change." I say with a slight smile. She smiled back and I left swiftly while taking small sips of my drink. Turning on my car,I realized I still had time to kill. My stomach and head were still hurting. Now my temperature was maybe because my car is very hot and I was wearing a leather jacket. I drove to work still thinking about what was strange about Emma. Was she supernatural? I shake it off and concentrate on the road as hard as it is. I take a sip of my drink and turn up the radio. My favorite song, Dance,Dance by Fall Out Boy. I slowly bob my head to the music.

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