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"one more dahye, one more." i muttered as i continued stacking the boxes and stuff i brought from my old apartment. i really hate moving because it would mean mess and who likes that kind of sight? probably no one.

after dragging the last box, which is apparently also the heaviest, i breathed heavily and coughed as i inhaled the fresh scent of dust.

cracking my knuckles, i jumped on the couch and took a small nap.


[no one]

the small girl stirred in her cramped position and caught sight of a small pillow looking at her with sharp green eyes.

she blinked her eyes furiously because first of all, how could a pillow have eyes and most importantly why is it purring?

when everything registered to her, she frantically jumped out of the couch and a loud screech resonated in the residence.  

"seungmin, i think i lost my cat." hyunjin whined to his best friend.

"you've said that for the millionth time already, oh my god."

"i'm so worried. where could he be?" just then, they heard a loud scream from next room. they looked at each other.

"what the heck."

"she sure has a loud voice, i think that hurts." his friend added.

"let's go check it out." seungmin said with pure concern.

"as much as i want to feed that curiousity of yours, i still have a cat to find so, no." the older replied.

"what if something happened to your neighbor? you know, come on. we can look for your cat later."

"seungmin—" he was cutted off by his friend's hand, dragging him out of the room.

"i swear to god, seungmin, if this is—" his words was again cutted off by his friend, banging on his neighbor's door.

he sighed and pushed his friend away. he proceeded on knocking softly.

"excuse me, me and my friend heard you screaming from next room and i was wondering if you have a problem and you need help." he started.

"help, okay, fuck." and he heard another string of profanities.

"just open the door, what if something bad happened." seungmin said.

"i'm opening the door." he slowly said and twisted the knob, creating a small crease in between the door. he and his friend peeked through the hole, only to find a familiar girl, standing on top of a table.

"please help me." she pleaded with puppy eyes and gasped when a meow escaped from the cat's mouth.

"if you don't mind me asking, why are you standing on your table?" seungmin asked curiously and his friend smacked him in the head.

"th-there's a cat in my room." she stuttered, suddenly feeling embarrassed of her current situation.

"wait, a cat? you mean a white cat with green eyes?" hyunjin snapped.

"yes, a real cat with green eyes."

"i think it's my cat. where is it? oh, there you are, kkami. how did you come here, huh? c'mere little boy." he crouched and took his cat lovingly, patting it's back.

"oh, it's yours." she scratched the back of her neck and sighed.

"sorry for making a fuss in your house. i fell asleep and didn't notice my cat sneaking out." hyunjin apologized.

"it's alright. i was just really scared."

"hm?" hyunjin furrowed his brows.

"okay, this might sound stupid but i'm scared of cats. yeah that's why i overreacted when i saw your cat beside me." she smiled shyly which hyunjin found cute.

"oh, that's um, i don't know what to say. i mean cats are so cute, how are you scared of them?" he chuckled.

"i don't know either." she shrugged.

"guys, it's getting darker. let us end this get-to-know-each-other shit. we have a project to finish, you know." seungmin butted into the conversation with his arms crossed.

"oh, you were here?" hyunjin asked, pretending to be shocked.

"i was with you all the time." seungmin rolled his eyes.

"you should probably go now, i'm really sorry for disturbing you both."

"it's okay, i only live next door anyway." hyunjin replied.

"what's your name, again?" she asked.

"hyunjin, hwang hyunjin."

"kim dahye. nice to meet you, hyunjin." she smiled as hyunjin stepped out of the door.

"you forgot to ask me, but anyway, i'm seungmin. remember my name." seungmin shouted but hyunjin dragged him away already.

"hyunjin, i'll remember that." she smiled with flushed cheeks.


hi im in love with young wings whos with me?

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