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in my whole nineteen years of existence, i've never felt this tired of lying on my bed. it's as if my body wants to do something productive, at least but at the same time, i'm too tired to do so.

"kkami, i'm bored but i'm too tired to do something." i'm whining to my cat. he looked at me for a second and walked out of my room. my cat did not just ignore me.

i rolled to the floor and followed my bossy cat.

"don't you dare disappear on me again." i shouted but my voice immediately quieted down as i saw a now laughing girl on my couch.

"is kkami too stubborn for you?" she gave me a half-assed smile which i replied with a sigh, a tired one.

"what brings you here?" i took a seat beside her and she shrugged.

"i was bored at home, i guess."

"god, same. somehow, i want to go to school. at least i'm occupied, unlike now." i replied and leaned my head against the couch.

"let's watch a movie." she said quietly.

"good idea. i'm picking the movie." i stood up.

"whatever." she shooed me off.


1:57 am, displayed on the digital clock on my wall, only the light from the screen reflected throughout the room but somehow, we're still awake. or so i thought.

"i'm sleepy." announced dahye.

"hmm." i replied, looking at screen but not really into the movie anymore.

the girl beside me yawned, her eyes starting to close. soon enough, she was fast asleep, head slipping to the other side of the couch.

with my right hand, i pulled her small face so that it would lean on my shoulder. she shifted a little, positioning her forehead on the crook of my neck and smiled.

i felt warm, and it felt nice.


too fluffy to handle pls collect hyunjin and also stop me from writing cringy stories

also updating again later bcs i might not update for a while *sighs* exams

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